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Netflix Confirms 'You' Season 4 Is Happening & Even Dropped A Creepy Teaser Trailer

It looks like Joe Goldberg is here to stay. 😬

Netflix Confirms 'You' Season 4 Is Happening & Even Dropped A Creepy Teaser Trailer
Interim Managing Editor

Netflix has announced that You season four is officially happening and it looks like Joe Goldberg is sticking around!

Sharing a teaser trailer on October 13 — just one day before You season three drops on the streaming service — Netflix confirmed that the popular show has been renewed once again.

The 57-second video includes clips from seasons one through three, stringing together every time actor Penn Badgley says "for you." Yikes!

Unsurprisingly, it's pretty creepy, and although the announcement doesn't provide details about the upcoming season, fans can assume Joe Goldberg is sticking around.

Until then, fans of the show can watch season three (which sees Joe and Love have a baby — eek!) from October 15 on Netflix.

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