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In Chester County, don’t fight racism with racism

Gordon Eck
Gordon Eck

By Dr. Gordon Eck

One month ago, I submitted an op-ed to the Daily Local News with the principle goal of sharing evidence of a divisive ideology being promulgated in our Chester County schools. Readers were directed to a website where the evidence was posted so they could make a judgment for themselves as to whether this is something to which they want their children exposed.

This was followed by an op-ed from my democrat counterpart, Charlotte Valyo. Sadly, her 551-word retort was nothing more than a personal attack. I was described as “launching partisan political attacks,” “launching an ideological purge,” “embracing conspiracy theories and scare tactics,” using “our children and schools as political pawns,” launching “baseless attacks on candidates,” and more.

What was notably absent from her rant was any engagement with the evidence presented. Her outright denial of Critical Race Theory (CRT) being in the school system suggests she didn’t even bother to look at the evidence, where that very term is used in the teachers’ training materials.

Label it however you want. A divisive, racist, anti-American ideology doesn’t belong in our schools. Dividing our teachers and children into “privileged” and “non-privileged,” “oppressed” and “oppressors,” based solely on their skin pigment is demonstrably untrue, appeals to the worst human instincts, and is counter to the vision of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

As promised, we have now posted evidence of this harmful ideology being disseminated in a second school district, Downingtown. This time, in addition to showing documents of its inclusion in teacher training and classroom resources, we have included teacher training videos. All I ask is for parents to review the evidence and decide for themselves if this is what they want their children exposed to. If not, you have an opportunity this November 2nd to change the course of your children’s education.

The evidence can no longer be denied. Gaslighting will no longer work. Misdirection, name calling, and intimidation will no longer succeed in suppressing the truth.

While Chairwoman Valyo and I have substantive differences on many important issues, I believe she wants the best for our children. I respectfully urge her to take a look at the evidence as well. We don’t fight racism with racism. Join me in renouncing such a destructive approach and work to rid it from our schools.

I am grateful that Ms. Valyo agrees with me that we must put “principle over politics.” If she really wants to help the less fortunate and ensure that children get “a fair chance to succeed in school,” I ask her to join me in support of school choice. We should fund students rather than school systems. This is the best way to achieve “equity” in education as it empowers parents to choose which type of education best fits the needs of their particular child. That is a principle we can all agree on.

Link to materials obtained:

Dr. Gordon Eck

Chairman of the Republican Committee of Chester County