National Grid explains home heating rate hike

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (WSYR) — Winters in New York are brutal. One way we get through them is by turning up the thermostat, but not so fast—winter heating costs are rising for National Grid customers this year.

“We’re looking at an increase this year of about $155 for the winter heating season which is November 1 to about March 31 of every year,” said National Grid Spokesperson Jared Paventi. The main reason is a global natural gas shortage. It’s been caused by a number of factors, including weather.

“Hurricane Ida back in August had an impact because they shut down rigs in the Gulf of Mexico and refineries where that supply can come into,” Paventi explained. However, there are some things you can do.

Take a look at weatherization and things you can do to seal off doors and windows to keep drafts from blowing in. Even turning down that thermostat. When you’re home, turn it down a degree. When you leave the home to go to work or to school or wherever you head out, lower your heat, that way you can save that.

National Grid

Other tips from National Grid include:

There are programs available to help some customers with their bills, too. “We help you get in touch with HEAP, the Home Energy Assistance Program, which is a government program that helps to subsidize energy bills during winter,” Paventi said. “f you qualify for HEAP, you can also qualify for National Grid’s Energy Affordability Program, which helps to provide further savings.”