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This Heated Foot Massager On Amazon Canada Can Put The Pep Back In Your Step

It's on sale right now! 👀

Staff Writer, Studio

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Whether or not we're on our feet all day, we could all use a good foot massage every now and then.

Along with their top-rated massage gun and eye massager, RENPHO has an epic foot massager on Amazon Canada that shoppers adore. It's currently on sale for $152.99 (originally $200).

It comes equipped with rotation balls, rolling sticks, heating and six intensity levels. Reviewers love how sleek it looks and say it's the perfect gift for anyone who is obsessed with self-care.

They also say it stores easily and that it feels like a professional massage! It'll fit anyone whose feet are up to men's size 12 or women's size 14.

RENPHO Foot Massager

Amazon Canada

Price: $152.99 ($200)

Details: This RENPHO foot massaging machine has rotation balls, rolling sticks, heating and six intensity levels to choose from. It comes with removable foot inserts that'll allow you to wash them easily. It also has an automatic shut-off timer that you can set to 15 or 30 minutes, so you won't have to worry about forgetting to turn it off.


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