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This Instant Pot Is On Sale In Canada Just In Time To Make All Your Cozy Fall Recipes

Soups, stews, pasta, dessert — it can do it all!

Staff Writer, Studio

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A good shortcut in the kitchen can save time and effort. While there's an endless array of kitchen gadgets that can make your life easier, you can't go wrong with a multi-use appliance.

One item that's basically the definition of "set it and forget it" is the Instant Pot Duo Nova 7-in-1 Pressure Cooker. Right now, you can get it on sale on Amazon Canada for $90.98, or at Canadian Tire for $89.93.

It's a pressure cooker, sterilizer, slow cooker, rice cooker, steamer, saute pan, yogurt maker, and warmer all in one. You can use it to make soups, stews, pasta, rice and even cake! The possibilities are truly endless.

My favourite way to use it is to throw ingredients in when I get up in the morning then set a timer for it to start cooking in the afternoon, that way I come home to a delicious meal that's ready to eat. When you're in a pinch, the pressure cooking function can cut down your cooking time up to 70%.

This model is perfect for beginners since there are one-touch buttons for specific foods like chilli and chicken.

Instant Pot Duo Nova Pressure Cooker

Amazon Canada

Price: $89.93 and up

Details: You can treat yourself to this handy kitchen appliance or take advantage of the sale and give it as a gift over the holidays! It's a 7-in-1 multi-cooker that can whip up big batches of your favourite meals.


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