UBOAT B129 Hotfix 4: Bug Fixes and Gameplay Improvements

UBOAT steam

UBOAT recently received a new hotfix that fixed issues and also made some improvements. The issue where the torpedo couldn't be launched if players moved it from one launcher to another has been fixed in this update. Additionally, the G7a torpedoes' range now varies according to the speed selected by the user.

Previously, a UI issue where the fuel tank was showing zero fuel if the players bought from a port. This would go away if players refreshed the interface. However, it made it confusing as they couldn't track the amount of fuel left. Fortunately, the developers added a fix for that in this patch.

UBOAT Update: B129 Hotfix 4

  • Damages on the conning tower weren't restored after loading a game state.
  • Improved alignment of various elements on Illustrious-class and Bogue-class aircraft carriers.
  • Highlight that appears after moving a cursor over a distant ship was appearing noticeably above the ship, if realistic Earth curvature rendering was enabled in the settings.
  • C3 merchant ships contained a white element without a texture after being damaged.
  • After loading a game state with a smoker on the conning tower from the main menu and then again in-game, the cigarette would turn pink.
  • Steam Rich presence statuses are now localized into the end user's language. This change may take some time to propagate to all language versions of the game.
  • Ship representations are now loaded into scene at a larger distance to make the experience more coherent.
  • It's no longer possible to start a tutorial mission when there are survivors on board.
  • Turm II and Turm IV description was slightly wrong. This change may take some time to propagate to all language versions of the game.
  • LST ships were not being loaded and convoys with such ships were sometimes stopping in place (this class of ships started to appear late in 1944).
  • "Milk cow" supply ships were sometimes not able to reach the selected destination, if the path to it was complicated and were becoming stuck near the coast.
  • Empire ships were not correctly identified by the crew. This problem wasn't affecting their torpedo solutions, but could be problematic, if player used their identification as a base for making a custom solution.
  • Time compression was sometimes stopped without a clear need during storms or if there was a friendly u-boat nearby.

You can read more about the update here.

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