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Metroid Dread Ferenia walkthrough and guide

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Metroid Dread Ferenia walkthrough and guide

Defeat Escue, Twin Robot Chozo Soldier, and Chozo Soldier and collect suit upgrades, Missile Tanks, and Energy Tanks

Image: MercurySteam, Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon
Jeffrey Parkin (he/him) has been writing video game guides for Polygon for almost seven years. He has learned to love just about every genre of game that exists.

We’ve been to Metroid Dread’s Ferenia briefly before. This time, we’ll take on Escue, Twin Robot Chozo Soldier, and another Chozo Solider and pick up the Storm Missiles, Space Jump, and Gravity Suit suit upgrades.

In our Metroid Dread Ferenia walkthrough, we’ll help you find and collect every upgrade and give you tips and tricks for the Escue, Twin Robot Chozo Soldier, and Chozo Soldier boss fights.

Table of contents

EMMI Zone (Ferenia)

Metroid Dread Ferenia walkthrough and guide Graphic: Jeffrey Parkin | Sources: MercurySteam, Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon
  1. Shuttle to Ghavoran.
  2. Network Station.
  3. EMMI Zone. Use the Phantom Cloak constantly as you cross to the right.
  4. Map Station.
  5. Morph Ball Bomb blocks.
  6. EMMI Zone. Climb up and left.
  7. Energy Recharge Station.
  8. EMMI Zone. Cross to the right and down.
  9. Total Recharge Station.

Escue boss fight

Metroid Dread Ferenia walkthrough and guide Graphic: Jeffrey Parkin | Sources: MercurySteam, Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon
  1. Breakable blocks and Energy Tank.
  2. Breakable blocks and Missile Tank.
  3. Escue boss fight.

Phase 1

Escue has three attacks that it’ll use constantly. Constantly.

  • A black projectile. When it hits the floor, it’ll pause and then send out a pulse you have to jump over. It doesn’t pulse when it hits the walls, though.
  • A purple missile storm. Double jump (Spin Boost) and Flash Shift over and around them.
  • Charge attack. This can’t be Melee Countered, so just get out of the way.

The trick to this fight is that you cannot damage Escue when its surrounded by purple energy. When that happens, your only job is to dodge the projectiles and wait.

When Escue isn’t surrounded by purple lightning, unload missiles into it. It takes about 20 hits by our count.

Phase 2

The second phase of the Escue fight is much simpler. Fire a missile into the X spore-thing that Escue becomes. It’ll knock back, and then become invulnerable for several seconds. Jump and Flash Shift over it, and wait for it to stop flashing.

Fire and dodge again until you defeat Escue and pick up the Storm Missiles.

Twin Robot Chozo Soldiers boss fight

Metroid Dread Ferenia walkthrough and guide Graphic: Jeffrey Parkin | Sources: MercurySteam, Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon
  1. Head left and down to return to the nearest Save Station.
  2. Cross up and left through the EMMI Zone.
  3. Twin Robot Chozo Soldiers boss fight.

Don’t let the twin part throw you — you’ve fought these enemies before, and you have a new weapon — the Storm Missiles — that will turn the tide in your favor.

Focus on the silver one first — it seems to take fewer hits to put down. As soon as you walk in, start holding down the R button to charge your Storm Missiles. Your job is to avoid taking any damage — be ready to jump and Flash Shift — while getting the targeting beam to touch the silver Robot Chozo Soldier. Once you have a few targets on it, fire the missiles.

Once the silver one is down, turn your attention to the gold one. The same process works for it. Just keep moving around and targeting it.

Space Jump and shuttle to Ghavoran

Metroid Dread Ferenia walkthrough and guide Graphic: Jeffrey Parkin | Sources: MercurySteam, Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon
  1. From the Twin Robot Chozo Soldier boss fight, climb up and left.
  2. Storm Missile Box and Missile Cover Door.
  3. Space Jump suit upgrade.
  4. Climb with Space Jump.
  5. Shuttle (back) to Ghavoran.

Teleportal (Green)

Metroid Dread Ferenia walkthrough and guide Graphic: Jeffrey Parkin | Sources: MercurySteam, Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon
  1. Shuttle from Ferenia.
  2. Space Jump across to the right.
  3. Teleportal (Green).

Gravity Suit suit upgrade (Burenia)

Metroid Dread Ferenia walkthrough and guide Graphic: Jeffrey Parkin | Sources: MercurySteam, Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon
  1. Head left from the Teleportal (Green).
  2. Plasma Beam Cover door.
  3. Save Station.
  4. Grapple Beam Block.
  5. Breakable block.
  6. Ammo Recharge Station.
  7. Breakable blocks and Grapple Beam block.
  8. Missile Cover Door.
  9. Gravity Suit suit upgrade.

Elevator to Artaria

Metroid Dread Ferenia walkthrough and guide Graphic: Jeffrey Parkin | Sources: MercurySteam, Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon
  1. Space Jump up.
  2. Network Station.
  3. Elevator to Artaria.

Chozo Soldier (Artaria)

Metroid Dread Ferenia walkthrough and guide Graphic: Jeffrey Parkin | Sources: MercurySteam, Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon
  1. Missile Cover Door.
  2. Missile Tank.
  3. Total Recharge Station.
  4. Breakable block.
  5. Chozo Soldier boss fight.

In the first phase, wait for the Chozo Soldier to drop its shield and use your Storm Missiles.

In the second phase, the Chozo Soldier adds a devastating black spit attack. Space Jump over it or Flash Shift out of the way when you see it coming. Keep firing Storm Missiles until it drops.

Elevator to Cataris

Metroid Dread Ferenia walkthrough and guide Graphic: Jeffrey Parkin | Sources: MercurySteam, Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon
  1. Missile Tank.
  2. Energy Tank.
  3. Energy Recharge Station.
  4. Ammo Recharge Station.
  5. Network Station.
  6. Missile Tank.
  7. Elevator to Cataris. When we get there, we’ll take on Experiment No. Z-57.