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Justin Bieber's New Documentary Is Out Now & His Super Wholesome 2021 Goals Have Us Choked Up

"The end of 2021? We start trying?"

Staff Writer

If you're planning on sitting down to watch 's new documentary, you might wanna have a box of tissues handy.

Justin Bieber: Our World— a documentary with behind-the-scenes footage of his livestreamed NYE show on the roof of the Beverley Hilton Hotel — was released on Amazon Prime on October 8, and one of the most heart-warming moments of the film comes when Justin is asked about his intentions for 2021 by his new wife, Hailey Bieber, and mentions that he's thinking about adding to their family.

"My intention for 2021 is to continue to set goals and have fun while doing them. Make sure I put my family first," Justin says, "and hopefully squish out a nugget."

"Uh — in 2021?!" Hailey responds, clearly surprised.

"The end of 2021?" Justin asks. "We start trying?"

He gets an "okay maybe" from Hailey to complete the amazingly touching moment and instantly making his fans wait to see if the Bieber family is going to grow anytime in the near future!

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