Need a jury consultant? Look at these four must-have traits!

If you are trying to find the best jury consultant for your court case, then you need to make sure you choose a reputable professional. Not only will the jury consultant be in charge of shaping the minds and the personalities of the jurors in the court case, but they will be able to significantly influence the efficiency of the case – without jury consultants, the process of the trial would drag on and on.

A jury consultant is a very useful part of the legal equation – they are the professionals who are needed to help formulate, understand and present guidelines of how to choose specific jurors for a court case. They will be able to use their psychology background and knowledge to choose jurors and determine the best way to pick jurors who will be able to handle the case and be able to deal with the case without bias.

Let’s have a few must-have traits that all jury consultants must have when it comes to choosing your ideal professional like Rick M. Goldberg & Associates for your court case.

4 must-have traits in a jury consultant

If you are looking for a jury consultant for a court case, make sure you choose a consultant that has these traits. After all, his person is a key part in being able to filter out the jurors who will be the ones in charge of determining innocence or the guilty verdict for the person on trial!

Psychology background

One of the most must-have traits that are essential to the jury consultant’s background is their psychological prowess. The jury consultant must have been able to understand social dynamics, psychological traits, and demographic influence on jury selection.


The next trait a jury consultant must-have when it comes to choosing jurors for a trial is insightfulness. They need to be able to understand how someone’s personality, background, and other traits can influence their decision during the trial. Furthermore, the jury constant will be one person in charge of analyzing a juror’s behavior during the trial – they will pick up seemingly innocuous clues that are essential to the case, such as body language, twitches, and behavior during the trial.


The third trait that a jury consultant must have is coaching abilities. Just like any position in life, you need to be able to coach to understand what you are saying, what they have to do, and how they can accomplish their goals. By using coaching skills, jury consultants can help witnesses go through stressful court situations. 


The last skill that a jury consultant has is communication skills. They need to be able to convey what they are trying to do with their witnesses and the lawyers. Furthermore, they need to be able to understand non-verbal communication, such as body language.


Finding a jury consult with the four must-have traits is key to being able to run a successful trial. A professional jury constant should be insightful and proficient at communication – in verbal and non-verbal methods – to understand the best jurors to utilize in a court case.