Embrace the seasonal festivities with these DIY projects to make your home cozy for fall. They’re wonderful ideas to try with the family throughout the season.

Summer is a time of working and playing hard. It’s lovely to soak up as much sunshine, vitamin D, and fresh air as possible before the seasons start to change.

Soon, autumn will arrive, along with the cooler atmosphere. Spend a weekend indulging in any of these DIY projects to make your home cozy for fall.

Design leaf prints

As the leaves start to fall, gather up some of your favorites to use as prints. Start by putting them on a flat surface with a book or two on top. After a few days, you can set the leaf in a transparent photo frame. The leaf can act as “stained glass” if hung near a window or as a vibrant décor addition to any other part of the house.

Create candleholders

As the sun sets sooner each night, using candles is a lovely way to bring some light into the home without the brightness of artificial lighting. They’re easy to make with mason jars and an assortment of rocks, branches, ribbons, or leaves. After you make them, you just need some round-bottom candles.

Make fresh potpourri

If creating a candle sounds too excessive, you can skip a few steps and make a medley of potpourri containers to spread across your home. Collect local seeds, branches, flowers, orange peels, and whatever else you can find to add color and a festive aroma to the house. These also make lovely gifts for friends and family during the holidays.

Redo a room

Although it requires a bit more than simple arts and crafts, another DIY project to make your home cozy for fall is to renovate a room. It could be a spare room, a bathroom, a bedroom, or even something more significant like the living room. Get rid of furniture you’ve wanted to switch out for a while and round up everything you can donate to a thrift store. You can apply wallpaper to a ceiling or a wall for a low- cost, transformational effect.

As summer transitions into autumn, there isn’t a better time to play around with different projects to add more coziness to your home.

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