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The World's Best Places For A Girls' Trip Were Revealed & A Canadian City Is In The Top 3

It's not Toronto or Vancouver, either! 👯

The World's Best Places For A 'Girls' Trip' Were Revealed & A Canadian City Is In The Top 3
Interim Managing Editor

Call your besties! The world's best places to take a "girls' trip" were just revealed and one Canadian city was ranked in the global top three.

Price comparison company Compare the Market considered cities in countries all over the world to create its top-16 ranking of the best city break destinations.

It considered factors like the cost of hotels, beer and wine, spas and clubs, among other things, to create the worldwide ranking. It even took the average cost of a late-night McDonald's visit into consideration.

Barcelona was crowned the capital city of girls' trip destinations, thanks in part to its $7.42 bottles of wine and affordable hotel prices.

London, England, comes next, as it has 120 clubs and 173 spas, as well as "its cheaper prices for an end-of-the-night McDonald's."

Calgary comes in third place, with the research acknowledging Alberta's largest city's cheap beer prices and reasonable taxi costs. It has fewer nightclubs than its fellow top-three competitors, but it's on top when it comes to spa listings with a whopping 174 relaxation facilities in total.*

If you'd like to take a state-side girls' vacation, cities like Chicago and Nashville were included in the ranking's top ten. While hotels in both spots are on the pricey side, taxi's, takeaways and beer are all relatively affordable.

Obviously, these spots aren't just for girl groups! Call whoever your besties are and check out the full list of dreamy destinations.

*This article has been updated.

Before you get going, check out our Responsible Travel Guide so you can be informed, be safe, be smart, and most of all, be respectful on your adventure.

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