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Trudeau Says Exemptions To Canada's Vaccine Mandate Will Be 'Exceedingly Narrow'

"Simply having a personal conviction that vaccines are bad will not be nearly enough."👇

Interim Managing Editor

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has confirmed that there will be limited exemptions to Canada's vaccine mandate for both federal employees and domestic travellers.

Speaking during a press conference on October 6, he told reporters that Canadians who've already been vaccinated "deserve the freedom, to be safe from COVID-19, to have your kids safe from COVID, to get back to the things you love."

He went on to say that those who haven't yet been vaccinated will have to do so in order to travel this winter, or work for the federal government.

While there will be some acceptable exceptions to the new mandates, the PM said they will be few and far between.

"Exemptions, whether they're medical exemptions or otherwise, will be exceedingly narrow, specific and, to be honest, somewhat onerous to obtain," he told reporters on Wednesday.

Trudeau added, "Simply having a personal conviction that vaccines are bad will not be nearly enough to qualify for an exemption."

In an accompanying release, officials said that Canadians who are unable to get vaccinated for medical or religious reasons "may request accommodation."

They added that there will be "very limited exceptions" that address the realities of remote communities, emergency travel and exceptional medical circumstances.

The feds say those who are unwilling to get vaccinated or prove their vaccination status will face penalties such restricted access to the workplace and administrative leave without pay.

Health Canada has a robust website with all the latest information on COVID-19 vaccines and can answer any questions you may have.

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