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Raise Your Halloween Party Hosting Game With These Decoration Ideas

Holding on to the title for hosting the best Halloween party in town requires a lot of work. Like the crown for the best outdoor Christmas lights, there are plenty of people vying for first place, with your neighbors looking to raise their game every year. This, coupled with technology delivering bigger and more advanced options, means there’s no time to rest on your laurels. To help you stay ahead of the rest, we’ve put together a collection of our favorite ready-to-go Halloween party decorations along with the best Halloween party decoration ideas to help get those creative juices flowing.

We’ve included a range of different Halloween party decoration ideas to help ensure you’ve got an option to cover every inch of your home in something spooky, slimy, scary or just eye-catching. Remember, the key to a successful Halloween party is impressive visuals, convincing spookiness and great Halloween party food. If you’re starting from scratch or aren’t looking to go house-wide with your decorating, we suggest prioritizing these four key areas to have the maximum impact for the minimal effort:

  • Front Yard
  • Living Room
  • Front Porch
  • Any Front-Facing Windows

Below you’ll find our top picks for the best Halloween party decoration ideas along with a number of ready-to-install props. We’ve included options for every level of budget, with a great selection for staying cheap this Halloween, as well as some more advanced options for anyone looking to go all out.

Sarah Morlock


Sarah Morlock is a travel and lifestyle writer and freelance contributor to SPY where she has written extensively about home goods, kitchen gadgets, travel wares, food and toys since 2016. In…