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The Blue Jays Have Won The Support Of Toronto's Superfan To Help Their Playoff Push

And he clearly brought some good luck with him!

Staff Writer

With two games left in the season and the Toronto Blue Jays sitting just outside of a wildcard spot, the team needs all the support they can get.

Luckily their newest convert has a lot more fan power than your average supporter: it's Nav Bhatia, Toronto's very own superfan.

Nav, who can most commonly be found watching the Raptors, was at the game on Friday, October 1, one of thousands of fans who were taking advantage of the expanded capacity in Rogers Centre.

"Don't want to hear they should've done this or that. TONIGHT US A MUST WIN!" Nav posted on Twitter earlier on Friday.

"And our @BlueJays need us from coast to coast to be as loud as we can for them. They are Canada's team! This country bleeds blue tonight. I will be there cheering on our boys!"

After beating the Orioles 6-4 on October 1, the Jays are one game out of a wildcard spot and relying on either the Red Sox or the Yankees to lose some games.

And if Nav keeps showing up, bringing more fans with him, and the Jays keep winning, maybe he'll get a second Hall of Fame honour!

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