Making the Power Sweeping Industry Sexy

It's time to change the way the public views the sweeping industry. Here are some tips to help make your company more appealing for potential customers and employees.

2019 Sweeper Summer Snapshot Winner
2019 Sweeper Summer Snapshot Winner
Best Sweeping Specialists

The general public may have misconceptions about the power sweeping industry and as a contractor in this segment, you are continually breaking down the barrier of those ideas. From customers who question if sweeping actually does anything to trying to change the mindset of potential employees that it's more than just a "dirty job". Overcoming the objections from both sides becomes tedious, so it's time to make the sweeping industry sexy!

Because of the relatively small size of the sweeping industry, you need to find your differentiating factor. Are your trucks the ones with'The hopper was wrapped with a logo residents might recognize from educational pamphlets the town has passed out at local schools and various community events in an effort to promote proper environmental housekeeping.'"The hopper was wrapped with a logo residents might recognize from educational pamphlets the town has passed out at local schools and various community events in an effort to promote proper environmental housekeeping."Zebulon Public Works, NC | Schwarze Industries Website the custom wrap, does your bidding include a special promotion, do you have a company mascot that you use at your local parades or county fairs? Some of these ideas might be far fetched, but find your factor and make it remarkable, that way customers will remember you first.

Another way to stand out is through applying for awards. Use this to elevate your company and proudly showcase on your website, marketing materials, social media and in your office. Pavement offers two award programs (Top Contractor and Pavement Awards) yearly where there is sweeping specific categories. Unfortunately, we haven't had enough contractors apply for Top Contractor honors to formulate a sweeping list, we hope to change that, starting with you!

You can't win if you don't participate: Pavement Awards

Which leads into use effective marketing to help customers understand the importance of sweeping pavements. If you don't know where to start, Pavement Maintenance & Reconstruction has a wealth of information from stormwater management to the importance of sweeping pavements. Use this content to help your team create marketing materials for your niche.

If you do both of the above, then it will be easier to attract new talent to your company because there is much more to the industry than just picking up dirt and debris. There is a sense of pride of being apart of something bigger than yourself. The labor market is very volatile and finding talent can be a challenge. Even if a candidate isn't as experienced as you would like, there are ample courses for education to either train them or keep trained up. 

NAPSA Offers Training Options for Power Sweepers

With your help, I believe we can change the way the masses view the industry. Find your unique factor, create some killer marketing assets and recruit great talent. If you have other ideas on how to make the sweeping industry appealing, reach out [email protected]

Here is to making the power sweeping industry sexy, again.
