Local florist shows appreciation to frontline healthcare workers with colorful bouquets

HONOLULU (KHON) — After a long day of work, imagine getting a bouquet of flowers to cheer you up and show how appreciated you are. Well, one local florist is doing just that, and he’s doing it for those who have been working day and night throughout the pandemic.

Kaiwen Wang Nobriga, owner of Gentle Beast Hawaii Floral, is showing his aloha to frontline healthcare workers by delivering flowers to brighten their day.

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“I don’t really have much to offer, but I have a bunch of flowers,” said Nobriga. “So, who doesn’t like flowers?”

Nobriga thought it would be nice to drop off beautiful flower arrangements to frontline healthcare workers who have been face-to-face with the pandemic for more than a year.

He posted about it on his Instagram page and was shocked at the many responses he received. 

“Whoever would send me their badge on Instagram, and I would deliver flowers to you, or you can come pick it up,” said Nobriga. “I was trying to make it more fun by doing something different every week.”

Nobriga said what started out as a nice gesture really took off because he gets dozens of healthcare workers nominating coworkers, peers, and other healthcare staff.

Although this keeps him busy, he says his favorite part is finishing the beautiful bouquet, wrapping it up and seeing their reaction when he delivers the flowers.

“Their reactions is very touching, and they feel good afterward, and I think the most often word I was told was that they are being recognized,” said Nobriga. 

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He said the best way to nominate someone is by sending a direct message to his business Instagram account Gentle Beast Hawaii