Attempted sexual assault at Chapman University has campus on edge

A sexual assault at Chapman University in Orange has students worried about their safety.

The Orange Police Department was on the lookout for the assailant, who witnesses said was wearing a skeleton mask when the attack happened at about 1 a.m. Friday.

The attacker’s all-black outfit, as well as the open nature of the campus, might make it difficult to identify a suspect, which worries Chapman student Lana Oquendo.

“It just makes you feel like they’re not going to find him … You kind of feel like it might happen again,” Oquendo said.

Police are stepping up their efforts to keep the school’s employees and students safe.

“There will be at least two to three extra public safety people all weekend, concentrated specifically on this area … because we want high visibility,” said Randy Burba, the school’s chief of public safety.

Students are also taking their own precautions.

“I’m definitely not walking alone that late at night,” student Lex Nieto said.