
Team Biden’s bungling, bluffing as it continues to stonewall US on the border

After days of dodging questions on just how many illegal immigrants it’s released into the interior, Team Biden finally put out some numbers late Wednesday night — but not the ones Congress and the media have been pressing for.

It has the data. But it’s keeping the numbers from the American people because they put paid to its claims it hasn’t opened the southern border.

The Department of Homeland Security gave info on not the 1.5 million illegal migrants apprehended this fiscal year but only some of the mostly Haitian migrants camped out in Del Rio, Texas, over the last week.

It has processed not even a third of the estimated 15,000 people who sheltered under that bridge after crossing the Rio Grande in constant streams. It deported 1,401 to Haiti. It has either processed for expulsion under the Title 42 pandemic order or released with notices to appear at an immigration office within 60 days (hah!) another 3,206.

Notably, it refused to break down that second number, though DHS knows how many of the 3,206 it allowed in on the honor system. It just won’t say, even as the administration continues to ludicrously claim it’s enforcing immigration law. Meanwhile, there are thousands completely unaccounted for.

After DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas refused two days in a row to tell lawmakers how many illegal migrants his team has released this year, reporters tried the White House press secretary. But Jen Psaki said she didn’t know either. “Is this an issue of not knowing or is this an issue of a lot more people are being released into the US than are being sent out?” one reporter bluntly asked. “That is certainly not the issue,” Psaki bafflegabbed.

When the press asked again Thursday, noting DHS refuses to say how many Haitians it released, Psaki resorted to plain lying, insisting, “I think they did provide” that breakdown, then repeating DHS’s carefully fuzzed stats.

Another Psaki lie: “Those who do not report, like anyone who’s in our country without legal status, are subject to removal by ICE,” she claimed — knowing full well President Joe Biden ordered a deportation moratorium his very first day in office.

Team Biden’s bungling and bluffing is infuriating both the right — and left. “I’m unhappy with the administration. We are following Trump politics,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) complained Wednesday, because at least a few migrants have been sent home. And Daniel Foote, Biden’s special envoy to Haiti quit Thursday, citing the “inhumane, counterproductive decision to deport thousands of Haitian refugees and illegal immigrants to Haiti.”

What’s united all is the fact that the shocking scenes from the Del Rio International Bridge are on Biden himself — and he hasn’t said a word about them.

Army vet John Rourke went to Del Rio with other veterans to help clean up the encampment. He told Fox News it was “the biggest Biden rally I’ve ever been to,” as migrants reported coming now “because Joe Biden is allowing them to come.”

Biden is in hiding, sending out minions to baldly lie even as his team does nothing to reverse the policies that created this mess. How many more ways will he betray his oath of office before he’s done?