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10 Tips for Managing Mental Well-Being in College

The transition to college brings unprecedented changes for young adults.

Key points

  • About 65 percent of students report facing mental health challenges in college.
  • With the opportunities college brings comes the challenges of added responsibility, academic rigor, and setting new boundaries.
  • Practicing self-compassion and knowing when to ask for help are strategies that strengthen mental health while in college.

College can be such an exciting time. As a mother of two, I have seen the highs and lows of applying and getting into college: the excitement, anticipation, and stress. There is an expectation that getting into college is the goal, and once that happens, everything will be great. To some extent, that's true. It's a time where you really get to explore new paths academically and professionally, have new experiences socially, meet like-minded friends, and there is the added freedom.

Source: Serhii Bobyk/Shutterstock

But with the good comes challenges, from academic rigor to making new friends to newfound responsibility and boundary-setting. About 65 percent of college students have said mental health challenges have negatively impacted their college experience. The issues that often arise during this transition manifest in learning, stressful and traumatic events, anxiety, and depression. That's okay and it's very common. So, here are 10 things that you can do to reduce the likelihood that you need more support.

10 Ways to Strengthen Your Mental Health

  1. Know yourself: What makes you you? Figure out the things you need to function well to get from day-to-day. Sleep? Alone time? Exercise? Schedule? Social connection? No one will make these things happen for you, so figure out what you need and put yourself first.
  2. Take care of yourself: Yes, I am a psychologist telling you that you need to focus on your physical health before mental well-being. When your body is functioning well, it is a lot easier to care for your mind. We are all a function of homeostasis. So think about what you can do to take care of your body. Get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, drink water, and exercise.
  3. Make a plan: The biggest change from high school to college is the lack of a structured schedule. A lot of us function better when we have specific things to do throughout the day. Instead of: class, mini-mart, lunch, gym, try: 10am-10:50am class, mini-mart (pencils, cereal, bananas), 12:00pm meet Jess for lunch, 2:00-4:00pm gym.
  4. Power of people: Take time to invest in a strong relationship with people who will take care of you. Relationships are fun during the good times and extremely meaningful through tough times. Stay in contact with close friends and family from home and welcome the new friends you make in college.
  5. SMART goals: This means: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based goals. General goals sound like, "I want to do well in my Computer Science class," whereas SMART goals sound like, "This week I am going to go to Computer Science office hours and spend two hours on Sunday studying for my midterm." These can apply to social life and to well-being.
  6. Schedule breaks: Scheduling intentional quiet time helps calm the mind. Although I support quiet relaxation activities like spending time on YouTube or playing video games, they aren't the same as intentional quiet time. Try to stay away from a screen, meditate, listen to a relaxing playlist, or read for pleasure.
  7. Party with caution: Social life is one of the most fun and important parts of college. With that comes the challenge of setting boundaries and being safe. There are going to be times when drugs and alcohol are present. I'm not going to suggest you don't do it, but have a plan, know what you can handle, and make sure it fits your values and you are safe.
  8. Practice self-compassion: Treat yourself with kindness, patience, and respect. I encourage you to come up with some affirming thoughts like: "It takes time to settle into a new place," "I'm not alone," and "I'm doing the best I can." The one thing you have control over is how you treat yourself when things are stressful.
  9. Coping ahead: If you know what you need to do well, you might also know what can really stress you out. Is it academics, tests, and homework? Or maybe family relationships? Or social interactions at school and with friends? What can you do to make yourself more resilient during those trying times?
  10. Know when and how to ask for help: Most (yes, most) college students seek support at their college counseling centers, learning centers, or with therapy programs. Asking for help is a sign of insight and strength.

I hope you have a great transition to school, and remember: your mental health is as important as your grades and making new friends. A well-functioning you is the first step to making everything else happen. Please take care.

This article was originally published on and also presented to Fiveable's social learning community.

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