INTERVIEW: Morning routines for your mental health

Jay Hendricks was joined by Kristi Edwards and Melanie Saiz of Centers for Children and Families to discuss morning routines for mental health.
Published: Sep. 22, 2021 at 5:32 PM CDT
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ODESSA, Texas (KOSA) - Jay Hendricks was joined by Kristi Edwards and Melanie Saiz of Centers for Children and Families to discuss morning routines for mental health.

The following comes from Centers:

How can a morning routine help improve your mental health?

o A healthy, low-stress & focused morning routine can set the tone for your entire day

o Cementing some morning habits can be helpful to people experiencing anxiety and/or depression as it makes it easier to prioritize your mental health from the very start of your day

o Decision fatigue can happen if we allow ourselves to start an unstructured morning. From pushing the snooze button a few times to struggling to put an outfit together—your mind is being worn down with insignificant decisions before you have a chance to be productive.

o It is not important to follow anyone else’s lead—IT DOESN’T HAVE TO LOOK PRETTY ON INSTAGRAM! It is important to find ways to make your morning less complicated and more pleasant.

How can a non-morning person start to create a morning routine?

o You can begin by tracking your time on a morning without a routine

· Are you a several-times-snooze-button-pusher?

· Maybe you have a habit of checking email and social media before hopping out of bed.

· Do you become stressed by the choices of what to wear?

· Do you exercise or make time for yourself before starting your day?

· Tracking helps to find areas that you might need to work on.

o Once you have seen your current morning, picture the “perfect morning”

· Would you like to have time to relax with a cup of coffee

· Maybe go for a run or practice a little yoga

· Everyone is different—but, EVERYONE can benefit from a routine.

Kristi, what are some simple suggestions for a basic routine to start with?

o Make your bed

· Making your bed creates a less cluttered pace and encourages good sleep hygiene—which will help with the following morning!

o Pick out your clothes the night before

· Do things that help you to avoid tedious decisions.

o Step outside for a few minutes

o Move your body

· Exercise, if you have time

· OR…take 5 minutes to stretch

o Avoid Social Media—Social Media is often negative, PLUS—it is a horrible time suck and can make you late for your day!

Do you have any other suggestions for people wanting to make changes?

o There are a couple of books we can recommend:

· “Own Your Morning: Reset Your AM Routine to Unlock Your Potential.” By Liz Baker Plosser

· What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast

· Listen to Centers Solutions Podcast—we will dig a little deeper into our own morning ups and downs!

· If it is more than a simple routine and you need more help, give us a call. Everyone is struggling right now.

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