Bridging The Gap Between Your Doctor And Your Health

Whether you’re starting a new workout routine, eating healthier or maybe under doctors orders to change your lifestyle, setting smart goals can set you up for success and having a little extra support works too.

More and more, health coaches like Debbie Roppo are bridging the gap between a doctor’s suggestions and achieving your goal. Roppo says it’s a great way to spend time on your health and really try to understand what’s going on and what you need.

“What’s so beautiful about health coaching is that it’s very personal and that people get a place to talk and express themselves,” she says. “They have that time with their coach and that’s really vital.”

Debbie adds that she likes to work where the client is and that’s often where she starts. Each client is different and a regular weekly or bi-weekly meeting is often what they need to achieve their goals. Debbie is also working to offer even more guidance to her clients and the community. She’ll tackle different health topics digitally over the coming months, she says.

Debbie meets with clients digitally and in person and can help you reach your health goals whatever they may be. She says that she really aspires to help people feel like they have the support they need to attain even some of their most challenging goals.

“The most valuable thing is that when you have someone in your corner that you can have a conversation with, that you can explore, really helps to open the mind and explore how we can get you to your goals.”

To learn more about how Debbie can help you, visit her online at