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Every Country's Netflix Was Ranked & Canada Easily Beat Out The US For Best Movies & Shows

How much does a flight to the Czech Republic cost?!

Every Country's Netflix Was Ranked & Canada Easily Beat Out The US For Best Movies & Shows
Staff Writer

Next time you're searching through Netflix in Canada and wishing there were more movies or TV shows to watch, just know that someone has it worse than you do.

That's according to a new study conducted by product comparison company Uswitch, which ranked the shows and movies on the Netflixes of 30 countries.

Uswitch used a mixture of IMDB scores and award nominations and wins to determine the quality of titles, and the company found that the best Netflix selection is in Japan, followed closely by the Czech Republic, South Korea and the U.K.

Canada came in 10th place in the study, between India and Slovakia, and its score of 90.09/100 completely blows the U.S. score out of the water. The U.S. ranked 29th out of 30 countries on the list, above just Malaysia in terms of quality shows and movies.

Canada also ranked 11 in the best films-only list and 13 in the TV shows-only list. Not only that, but it also tied for fifth place for the highest number of shows and films!

So no complaining next time you feel like you have to watch The Office again — there's officially plenty more to pick from.

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