Amex Increases Welcome Offers on Delta Credit Cards

New cardholders can earn up to 90,000 bonus miles

American Express has launched new, limited-time offers for its Delta co-branded credit cards. The promotion, which runs through Nov. 10, 2021, features welcome offers ranging from 70,000 to 90,000 bonus miles, depending on the card.

Key Takeaways

  • American Express recently launched new, limited-time offers on its Delta credit cards for both regular and business cardholders.
  • Cardholders can earn up to 90,000 bonus miles and possibly Medallion Qualification Miles, depending on which card they choose.
  • While the offers aren't the best in recent memory, they're still worth considering for people considering a Delta credit card.

What You'll Earn With an Amex Delta Credit Card

The Delta SkyMiles credit cards offer the chance to rack up Delta miles fast with big welcome offers and rewards on everyday spending. In addition, American Express offers bigger incentives for new cardholders from time to time.

Now through Nov. 10, 2021, new consumer Delta credit card holders can earn the following bonuses:

If you're a small business owner, here's what to expect from the Delta line of business credit cards:

Things to Consider Before You Apply

The new welcome offers are solid, and if you've been thinking about getting a Delta credit card, now could be a good time to do so.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind before you apply.

  • These cards typically require good or excellent credit, which means having a FICO score of 670 or higher.
  • These aren't the best American Express Delta offers we've seen lately. In June, for instance, we saw the same miles bonuses offered on the three consumer credit cards, plus $200 statement credits after your first Delta purchase. So if you can wait, you may be able to get a better welcome offer in the future.
  • American Express welcome offers are once in a lifetime. In other words, if you've had an Amex card before and earned the welcome offer, you can't earn it again.

With that in mind, it's worth taking your time to compare the different Delta credit cards, along with other airline and general travel cards, to determine whether applying for one is the right move for you.

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  1. FICO. "What Is a FICO Score?"

  2. Investopedia. "Amex Launches New Welcome Offers on Delta Credit Cards."