Edwards in DC looking for hurricane help


Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards is in Washington DC to request urgent federal assistance for residents impacted by hurricanes Ida, Laura, Delta, and Zeta along with other natural disasters over the last year.

Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Ppreparedness Deputy Director Casey Tingle said the Governor wanted to meet with leaders in hopes of speeding up assistance.

“To explain the unmet need that’s out there because of the gaps between what insurance can pay for and people that were uninsured or underinsured, the extent of the damage,” said Tingle.

Tingle said among the requests, Edwards will be asking for assistance with unmet housing needs and flexibility in match for public assistance. Tingle said the with multiple natural disasters the Governor can show demonstrate several unfunded needs.

“The cumulative effect of all of that for our state, that certainly we should be better positioned for the aid for those who were impacted by those storms over a year ago as well as those who’ve been impacted recently,” said Tingle.

After a disaster, municipalities are faced with several immediate costs for example overtime for first responders and debris removal. Often, they will receive federal matching funds to help offset the costs. Tingle said Edwards will be asking for flexibility with that funding.

“The ability to utilize Community Development Block Grant Funding to also be able to fund that nonfederal cost-share, particularly as we get into the permanent repair or replacement of facilities,” said Tingle.

Last week Calcasieu Parish had to request a state bond to continue the construction of schools because they have yet to receive requested federal funding.

The governor will return to Louisiana on Thursday.