Curtis Harding “Can’t Hide It”- DJ Pick of the Week

curtis harding

“Can’t Hide it” by Curtis Harding stars as Jaysons’s groovy DJ Pick of the Week. The song is filled with a soulful guitar, and is complimented by Curtis’ husky vocals. This Atlanta singer-songwriter gives us fantastic visuals to accompany the music. In the video below, Harding displays himself as a performer on a fictional 1970’s TV show called The Velvet Touch.

“Can’t Hide It” is an honest, passionate expression of the feelings of one towards another. The song gives us a great blast from the past with its disco-like visuals – not to mention the ‘boppy’ chorus, and the soulful gospel-esque instruments that fill the background.

Harding’s skill was born in Michigan and only developed further on the road. He spent his childhood singing gospel alongside his mother, and cultivated his craft singing backup for CeeLo Green. Harding describes gospel as ‘inspiring’ in a recent interview with Donyc. He explains, “From hardship and trials, you make something beautiful. It’s the history of black people in America, what happened to us during slavery, it’s the foundation of blues, R&B, soul, country, [and] rock.”

“Can’t Hide it” expresses a beautiful, soulful longing. It’s clear that Harding incorporates his love of gospel into many different aspects of his music. From the visual to the acoustic, Harding through his music, is searching for the authentic.

Tune into 100.1 FM or to hear “Can’t Hide It” by Curtis Harding featured as Jayson’s DJ Pick of the Week. We want to hear your thoughts, too! Tweet at us with #L100DJPick and let us know how you’re feeling about these picks!