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Ontario Farm's Pup-Tastic Halloween Event Will Let You & Your Dog Get Lost In A Corn Maze

So many treats for you and the pooch!

An Ontario Farm's Pup-Tastic Halloween Event Will Let You & Your Dog Get Lost In Corn Maze
@pinglesfarm | Handout, @pinglesfarm | Handout

Halloween is just around the corner, and Pingle's Farm has created the perfect Halloween stop if you want to celebrate with your four-legged friend.

Hallowoof is an annual event at Pingle's Farm where you can bring your dog to join in on all the festivities the farm has to offer like, pumpkin picking, a giant corn maze, wagon rides, treats and more.

This year Hallowoof will take place on October 30 from 9:30 a.m. until sunset, and tickets are $15 per person.

Dogs are encouraged to dress up in costumes and can even compete in hourly costume contests held on the farm's stage.

Humans will have plenty of fall-inspired beverages and snacks to chose from, from pumpkin spice cold brew floats, to donut ice cream sandwiches, chunky harvest chilli and triple-decker grilled cheese. Dogs will also be able to join in on the snacking fun with pup-cakes.

Live music will be playing throughout the day, and after you've picked out your pumpkin and conquered the maze, you can check out some of the dog vendors on site, and the K9 central performing shows.


Price: $15 per ticket (free admission for dogs)

When: October 30, 9:30 a.m. until sunset

Address: 1805 Taunton Rd. E., Hampton, ON

Why You Need To Go: To pick a perfect pumpkin and roam through a corn maze with your dog by your side!


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