Minister’s Corner: God’s Grace

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We read in the Gospel of Luke 18:10-14 of a parable Jesus taught about a Pharisee and a publican who went to the temple to pray. The Pharisee prayed loudly, thanking God that he was a good man, not like other men who were robbers, evil doers, and not like the publican who was in the temple. He reminded God he fasted and tithed regularly. Jesus said the publican could not pray that kind of prayer. He knew he wasn’t a good man. He couldn’t even raise his eyes to heaven. He beat his breast and prayed, “Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
The amazing thing is Jesus said it was the publican who was justified, not the Pharisee, and the reason was because the Pharisee believed he had some good quality in him. He saw only goodness in himself and badness in others. The publican, however, recognized his need for God’s mercy and grace. The Pharisee needed God’s mercy too, but he couldn’t see it. Thank God for His mercy and grace, but the world doesn’t understand the grace of God.
The biblical teaching of grace goes against everything “the world” thinks about God. The world believes God helps those who help themselves. The world believes God’s attitude is one of love and acceptance. The world believes God’s mercy has limitations, but grace teaches us God’s mercy is unlimited. God’s grace is free, and it’s available to you and me anytime we ask.