(Courtesy WisDOT)

Lane closures on I-39 through Thursday

Metro Wire Staff

Bridge maintenance, planned for next week, will result in north- and southbound, single-lane closures on 1-39 in Marathon, Portage, and Waushara counties.

Marathon County

Crews from the Marathon County Highway Department will be spot painting the girders of the County C bridge over I-39. Motorists will encounter 24-hour single-lane closures from noon Monday, September 20 through 4:30 p.m. Thursday, September 23.

Portage County

Crews from the Portage County Highway Department will be spot painting the girders of the Barbara’s Lane Bridge over I-39. Motorists will encounter single-lane closures from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, September 20 through Thursday, September 23.

Waushara County

Crews from the Waushara County Highway Department will be sealing the decks of the north- and southbound I-39 bridges over Buttercup Avenue. Motorists will encounter single-lane closures from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, September 20 through Thursday, September 23.