About the Author

John Pritchett

John Pritchett is an award-winning cartoonist. He has created artwork in Hawaii for decades, including 20 years at the Honolulu Weekly. See his portfolio on the web at: pritchettcartoons.com. Opinions are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Civil Beat’s views.

Read Civil Beat’s latest rail coverage:

HART Sheds More Staff Including Its Latest Chief Financial Officer

HART, HECO At Odds Over Who Caused A $34 Million Change Order To Rail

Rail Canopy Defects Cost Another $15 Million. Are Taxpayers Liable?

Want to read about the Honolulu rail project as far back as 2011? It’s here on a special compilation page.

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Danny De Gracia: Dining With Danny And His New SMART Card

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About the Author

John Pritchett

John Pritchett is an award-winning cartoonist. He has created artwork in Hawaii for decades, including 20 years at the Honolulu Weekly. See his portfolio on the web at: pritchettcartoons.com. Opinions are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Civil Beat’s views.

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I love to see the illuminated completed rail stations especially at the defunct Stadium and abandoned Kam Drive Inn.  And to see the actual 10 year old rail cars being tested frogs and all.  And the tracks near the airport that lead to abrupt ends.Where is the leadership and planning?

surferx808 · 2 years ago

The longer this failure is allowed to fester the more it will drag down the community as a whole.  The city council and mayor need to make the hard decision now, rather than continue to string along tax payers while looking for other sources of funding (like the new county hotel tax) for the rusty rail bucket.  

wailani1961 · 2 years ago

Could have bought every driver on the West side self-driving Tesla and still be ahead… ($80K x 120,000 drivers = $9.6B)

HawaiiKai2020 · 2 years ago

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