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Vladimir Guerrero Jr. Is 2 Home Runs Away From One Of The Most Historic MLB Seasons Ever

He's hit a milestone previously held by Joe DiMaggio!

Vladimir Guerrero Jr. Is 2 Home Runs Away From One Of The Most Historic MLB Seasons Ever
Staff Writer

If you haven't been tuning into the Toronto Blue Jays lately, you might want to start.

Vladimir Guerrerro Jr. is currently destroying baseballs at a wild rate, and he's only two home runs away from recording one of the most historic baseball seasons of all time.

After hitting a dinger in Friday's game against the Minnesota twins, Guerrero is sitting on 46 homers for the season (the most in the majors!). That's just one behind Eddie Matthews (who played for the 1953 Milwaukee Braves) for the most home runs hit by someone in their age 22 season or younger, according to Sportsnet.

He's already tied Joe DiMaggio of the New York Yankees, one of the all-time legends of the game, with 46 home runs, and with 15 games left in the season, that milestone is absolutely within reach.

Guerrero is helping push the Jays closer to a playoff spot, but his season will go down in the books no matter how it ends — he currently holds the MLB record for hits, homers, runs and total bases!

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