Home News Gaming Vanguard Open Beta UK: Release Time and Beta Codes for PS4, Xbox...

Vanguard Open Beta UK: Release Time and Beta Codes for PS4, Xbox One and PC


The Vanguard open beta has begun (Image: ACTIVISION)

The good news for anyone waiting to participate in the Call of Duty Vanguard open beta this weekend is that Activision has set up a site to provide beta codes.

This means that if you’re playing on PlayStation, Xbox or PC platforms, you can download now and join the multiplayer action, instead of waiting for the open beta release time for Xbox and PC.

For those who may have missed the announcement, Call of Duty Vanguard is the next COD game to launch in the UK, North America and Europe this year.

The new COD title is slated for November and is based on the WW2 era and features a comprehensive campaign across the better known theaters of war.

And this week, the development team launched the Call of Duty Vanguard beta, complete with new content to play through.

The open beta is already live on PS4 and PS5, with other platforms to follow in the UK later today.

And soon enough, Activision will flip the switch and remove the need for everyone to have a beta code.

However, if you’re using an Xbox or PC and want to join now without pre-ordering the game, there’s a way to get your hands on a beta code.

All you need to do is go to the Call of Duty site, click through to the beta page and select the code option for each platform.


And this weekend, gamers can play new content, including Search & Destroy and the Eagle’s Nest map that can be played in all five core modes.


The Call of Duty Vanguard open beta release date and time is set for September 18, 2021 at 6:00 PM BST.

However, as mentioned above, you can now grab a code for any platform and jump in whenever you want.

No pre-order is required for this Open Beta period. In addition, Xbox Live Gold is not required for Xbox Series X and S and Xbox One owners for this part of the beta.

As the name suggests, crossplay will be active during the second weekend of the beta, so you can play with friends as long as you have each other’s Activision IDs to party across platforms.

A message from Activision added: “Those who have downloaded the beta can launch it from the main menu for any of those games via Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, Call of Duty: Warzone™ or Modern Warfare.

Simply move your joystick or mouse to the far left “sheet” of this main menu and you can launch the Vanguard Beta. Alternatively, you can launch directly in the application without having to go to any of the three full Call of Duty experiences. to go.”

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