OPINION/LETTER: Proceed with caution on Newport development

Newport Daily News

Proceed with caution on Newport development

There are two proposed planned developments, should they be realized, will negatively impact the neighborhoods in the North End and well in the 3rd Ward (known as the 5th Ward.) Both of these proposals will negatively impact the quality of life of the existing residents. David Horowitz wrote an excellent letter to the editor on Sept. 9 explaining the negative impact to the residents living in the North  End.  

Also, a nightmare planned is the 150 room and hotel with 266 parking spaces on Waite’s Wharf. Those of us living on Lower Thames, Lower Spring and all living in the 3rd Ward,  traditionally known as the 5th Ward, are very concerned about increased traffic, flooding, soil contamination and pollution due to coal ash, and toxic air from the poisonous exhaust from the many additional truck, cars, motorcycles that will be utilizing Thames Street.  Also, in addition, there will be more garbage, trash, noise and intoxication.   There is a huge concern regarding emergency vehicles utilizing these narrow roads with much-increased traffic leading to the hotel which will cause as well as firetrucks to have difficulties turning onto the narrow roads leading to the proposed hotel. In addition, the exhaust from all the additional traffic will affect Lee Avenue and continuing north on Spring and south to Ocean Avenue. 

We hope that the politicians do the right thing for the residents of the North End and the rest of the residents of Newport and reconsider their poorly contrived vote at a recent City Council meeting. Please tighten the language in the zoning law so that Community Benefit Agreements do just that, benefits the community and not further the developers who are well aware of the value of Newport’s brand to their bottom line

Paul A Bernard, Newport