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Justin Trudeau Got A Shoutout From Barack Obama Ahead Of Canada's Federal Election

Obama said Trudeau "has been an effective leader and strong voice for democratic values."

Senior Writer

It seems like this friendship is alive and well because Justin Trudeau was praised by Barack Obama and the PM sent a sweet message right back.

The former president tweeted to his "friend" on September 16 and said that he's wishing Trudeau "the best" in the upcoming Canadian federal election.

"Justin has been an effective leader and strong voice for democratic values, and I'm proud of the work we did together," Obama said.

Trudeau later thanked Obama for his message of support. "Progress is on the ballot — and we're going to keep fighting for it," he tweeted.

This isn't the first time that Obama has put out a tweet to support Trudeau during a Canadian federal election. He also endorsed Trudeau back in 2019 and said, "The world needs his progressive leadership now, and I hope our neighbors to the north support him for another term."

Throughout their years as leaders and after, Trudeau and Obama have shown love and support for each other.

They even grabbed a beer together once, sitting down for a pint at a local brewery in Ontario in 2019. Trudeau went back there a year later and, of course, brought up his visit with Obama.

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