COFOE, Constitution Party, Green Party, and National Libertarian Committee, File Amicus Brief in U.S. Supreme Court in Case over Exclusion of Minor Parties from Ohio Election Commission

On September 15, the Coalition for Free & Open Elections (COFOE), and the Green Party, the Constitution Party, and the national committee of the Libertarian Party filed this amicus curiae brief in the U.S. Supreme Court in Libertarian Party of Ohio v Crites, 21-226. This is the case over the composition of the Ohio Elections Commission. Ohio law says it must have three members of each of the two largest parties, and one member who is not a member of any party. Thus a minor party member can never serve on the commission.


COFOE, Constitution Party, Green Party, and National Libertarian Committee, File Amicus Brief in U.S. Supreme Court in Case over Exclusion of Minor Parties from Ohio Election Commission — 222 Comments

  1. Third parties could control their own destiny by implementing Top Six/Level the Playing Field and WINNING elections,
    Simply by getting four parties on ALL BALLOTS.
    The Libertarian, Green, Constitution, Reform/Alliance parties.
    The LP usually gets on most ballots every year.
    We KNOW the dems and reps always do.
    So, can they manage to work together to get the other three?
    That would level out the polling to: Green 27%, Constitution 27%, Dem 17%, rep 17%, Libertarian 13%, Reform/Alliance x/unknown/variable %.
    This would make all six viable i.e. could reasonably win.
    It would also solve the debate problem as the threshold for entry into the debates is 15%.

  2. I am tired of hearing about various legal action which are asking the powers that be for relief.
    No, third parties, do this and WIN, instead of lose and then beg for relief.

  3. I’m curious if a positive ruling could force states (NH in particular) to change laws that require certain election workers and Ballot Law Commission to be “from the two parties”/”the two parties that received the most votes for Governor”?

  4. Remember back when Darryl Perry was a George Wallace supporter and a southern patriot and pro life? Remember back when he was a real libertarian? Now he’s just a northeast progressive big government liberal.

  5. I remember Darryl Perry as the Chair who presided over the Boston Tea Party demise, along with paulie cannoli Frankel.
    And the Tiffany Briscoe Fiasco. First thing Darryl did upon Briscoe’s victory OVER ME, was to get on RT tv.
    I say revive BTP. Maybe rename it. Lexington Green party. Keep paulie away from it.
    Nominate a progressive and Jo Jorgensen vp and go on to win the election. Via PLAS.
    Quit wasting time and energy. And money.
    Especially MY time and energy.

  6. Remember back when Darryl Perry was a George Wallace supporter and a southern patriot and pro life? No, but who the fuck is Darryl Perry and why should I or anyone else, care>?

    TRUMP-ELDER 2024 is all we need to care about , help make it happen or go tie yourself to the tracks so the train can run over YOU!!!

  7. I was a George Wallace supporters in the 60s and 70s BTW and voted for him in 1968, and 1972 in the primary. Southern Patriot and Pro Life for over 70 years and to this day. but now it’s all about TRUMP so if you ain’t on board . Get on board or get run over !

  8. The anti vax crazies are the same people who support Trump.
    Fortunately they are not a majority.
    But very close.
    Too close for comfort.
    America is going to be ruined by these people?
    Are you fn crazy?

  9. Demo Rep,
    I guess what I meant was I am sick and tired of the same old loser crap.
    I am like the doctors and nurses who are seeing overcrowding of covid patients.
    The vast majority unvaccinated!
    Well dammit, get the fn vaccination!
    Get on with Top Six and PLAS!

  10. The United Coalition is working to bring pure proportional representation (PPR) despite the censorship, systemic racism, communist-style elections, double standards and gerrymandering within the Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County (LPLAC) Regions 62,63,64 and 65).

    Join our team effort to break up the racist, male-dominated and chauvinistic Libertarian National Committee (LNC), we’re working to break the LNC up into a three-party system!

  11. Tiffany Briscoe was involved in Democratic politics in Maryland.
    Then she went to BYP and took a dump.
    Got removed as BTP nominee.
    Next showed up with Ogle.
    Her manager Pierre Crevaux is associated with the republican party in Florida.

  12. He’s more like a Nazi. He favors stabbing all Jews and sending niggers back to Africa.

  13. Why won’t you answer some basic questions about strange Nazi occurrences near your Camden, NJ residence?

    Who killed and burned the black nigger (your words) in the alley behind your house?

    Who decorated your residence with swastikas?

  14. Our investigation determined Robert Milnes, a known white supremacist, likely participated in the lynching of the unknown African American whose body was burned beyond recognition and whom we never positively identified. However, we did not have enough evidence to charge him with any crime. We determined Mr. Milnes likely vandalized the breast cancer awareness sign outside his trailer by spray painting a swastika on it. We also believe he was probably behind several instances of phone harassment of a local synagogue, as well as indecent exposure and public masturbation at a local Wal Mart.

  15. Wow, paulie.
    This is a new low, even for you.
    Scraping the bottom of his little black bag of dirty tricks, you throw a bunch against a wall, in this case the comment section of Richard’s blog BAN, and see if anything sticks.
    Nothing is sticking except your signature written in crap ink.

  16. Vax + death. I don’t think so.
    No masks, no vaccines. I don’t think so.
    Vaccine causes swollen testicles. I don’t think so.
    Uromysitisis = fake disease.

  17. Milnes, I have not taken the COVID vaccine, nor have I worn a mask much, or practiced social distancing, or done anything else which has been recommended, and I have yet to have any problems.

  18. My friend got the vaccine and it caused her ass to swell up real big and now she gets unwanted attention.

  19. Andy,
    No vax = good chance you get sick and die.
    Maybe you have not got it-yet. Eventually you will.
    Maybe you were asymptomatic and now have antibodies.
    There is a test for that.
    I would say you are lucky.
    Let us know if you get sick, will you?
    Best of luck going forward.


    BUT – ALL bio stuff is NOT exact —

    too many *living* bio-molecules interactions to get *exact* reproductions–

    esp. broken genes / lefthand/righthand bio molecules / etc.

    — NOT like *dead* math/physics/non-bio chemistry with exact reproductions.

  21. You don’t think. So?

    You repeat gates, fauXI, Soros JOO MEDIA and deep state lies. SO?



    VAX = gates of hell TRACKER CHIP + fauXI POISON = rockeFELLer depopulation agenda

    U r “GOY” = CATTLE

    JOOS are ranchers and cowboys


    STAGE 2 = ROUND UP (socialist distancing,quarantining, contact tracing)

    phone/computer /device /Wi-Fi / web/ toxiccclouds = more tracking
    Camera’s everywhere
    Web , cell, satellite TOTAL TRACKING OF GOYS. ALL your movements, purchases, sales, conversations, patterns and associates = MATRIX = grid + jail, animal pen, total tracking / branding / inventory / controls

    Stage 3 = you have been branded and rounded up, goy cattle . So now time for slaughter. Depopulation agenda 90% plus of humans to die . 666 million humans on earth after? OR 100% IN HELL FOREVER??

    The vaccine trackers while activate poison death murder combo when THEY want YOU dead, GOY CATTLE!

    5G = 6G NEXT = 666 G!

  22. I saw your masturbation show earlier today on Surveillance TV. Your balls look bigger than usual. Did you get the booster shot?

  23. I thought Nicki Minaj said it was a friend who got the regular shot, not a booster, that caused that.
    Debunked by Trinidad health officials.
    Are you a fan of debunked Nicki?

  24. He does not think. So, he got vaxxed. And now is shedding vaccine and spreading that sickness. The morons who have been vaccinated really need to be quarantined so they don’t expose the rest of us to their experimental toxic deadly vaccine.

  25. I tend to agree with the advisory panel that a booster for the general population is not quite called for.
    Especially in view of this obstinate vaccine hesitancy.
    And the general shortage of vaccine internationally.

  26. The rule should be that the brain dead zombies who got injected with the GATES of hell fauXI poison should be shot on sight as a clear and present, deadly toxic vaccine mortal hazard to EVERyone around.

  27. paulie,
    when do you think there will be a disposition in the Robert Bowers case?
    It has been almost three years since the right wing nut shot up that synagogue in Pittsburgh.
    And what do you think that disposition might be?

  28. Pro deadly poison , pro tracker chip, pro globalist depopulation agenda, pro vax comments, and those who make them, should be terminated with extreme prejudice, as a hazard to those of us who know better. I don’t just mean on some comments section on the internet, either.

  29. I was the first on here, to advocate mass mask burning events, before they started happening, in the real world. That was not a coincidence. My new memetic campaign is for those of us in the resistance to shoot up, burn , car ram, explode, stab etc, mass vax sites. We need to put a stop to this gates of hell / fauXI POISON/ TRACKING/ DEPOPULATION holocaust NOW, before it kills the Rockefeller – Rothschild – Bilderberg intended target 90-100% of humanity.

  30. You can not have it both ways.
    If there is an international conspiracy to vax and kill everybody, why does Israel have such a very high vaccination rate? Especially if Pfizer is a jewish owned/controlled company.
    There are no reports of mass deaths due to Covid or covid vaccination or anything else.
    There are no reports of death caused by covid vaccination.
    Even covid deaths are a relative drop in the bucket.
    Moron prick.

  31. Google “you’re dead” is a message to the satanic demons at Google, not a threat to anyone here, unless you are a demon in the service of Satan, in which case you can take it how you want.

    The demons in charge of the globalist depopulation agenda work through many demonic organizations. Some of them masquerading as large international companies like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, GE/NBC, whoever owns CBS and ABC these days, and many others. Some masquerade as charitable foundations, think tanks, institutes, fraternal orders, religious groups, political groups, and government or intergovernmental agencies, scientific and medical research agencies, pharmaceutical companies, etc.

    All of these demonic groups manipulate the flow of information and misinformation. They also collect many kinds of data to track people. Ultimately they all serve Satan, who appoints demons to run them, surrounded by enthralled humans who have sold their souls to Satan to climb the success ladders at all these different organizations.

    The China virus “vaccine” is actually filled with nanotechnology tracking devices developed my gates (of hell) micro(soft)penis, fauXI etc which are actually also nanobot robot/computers set to experiment on your body at the cellular and subcellular level. They are centrally monitored and controlled by these demonic organizations, putting your body and mind under the direct molecular level control of Satan.


    Relative few people, will be, or have been , killed or severely altered by these tiny robot computers which they have accepted into their bodies….so far. Over time, those numbers will grow.

    Many of the demonic agencies have openly discussed parts of their depopulation agenda for years. They have talked about reducing human population by 90% or more. I think their target may be to reduce global human population to about 666 million from current levels Iirc 8 to 9 billion. This massive level of human, sacrifice, is “justified” by greenie weenie environment sustainability excuses. The actual purpose is to sacrifice enough human animals to Satan to turn our Earth into an annexation of hell.

    At the conclusion of this process, the demons will drop their human masks and reveal themselves for what they actually are, and we will all (or almost all) be in hell forever under the unbreakable rule of Satan for all eternity with no hope of escape , not even through death. OR AT LEAST THAT IS SATAN’S DAEMONIC PLAN TO BE IMPLEMENTED THROUGH THE GLOBALIST DEPOPULATION AGENDA.

    When you accept the Chinese virus “vaccine” into your body, you are being injected with Satan’s poisonous toxic sperm and tracking devices, which can be turned on and manipulated by Satan and his demons to alter your body and mind in all sorts of ways from the atomic and subatomic level up at whatever time they choose.

    They can also transform you into a demon, monster, freak, mind controlled zombie, biochemical weapon at their disposal ect ect , ect. Maybe even a nuclear one?

    But you don’t think.


    Funerals and burials are passe when Satan transforms our world into hell under his direct control.

    You took this poison into your body, and are helping to spread its propaganda, you moron prick. The best thing you can do for yourself and everyone else now is to repent, pray to Jesus for forgiveness, leave all your possessions and walk off into the wilderness naked and alone, carrying nothing and as far as possible from any and all electronic device’s, medical attention, etc.

  32. No, I do not think so.
    The best thing I can do is wait to hear from the Robert Bowers defense.
    Hopefully he will resist the pressure to plead guilty as I recommended in my letter.
    I will champion his defense to his jury of his peers.
    Self defense and the defense of others. His fellow Americans.
    Defense from the Mossad agents of the apartheid, theocratic, counterrevolutionary international terrorist state of Israel.

  33. Retard Milnes, Israel has some high case numbers despite high jab rates. That’s because the jabs do not work and were never meant to. Idiots like you love to be programmed.

  34. If we could rejoin reality, hard for trump supporters I know, the lawsuit has real merit.

  35. What is there to explain Milnes? The Walrus was very clear. The term “Google” is a substitute for your preferred term “black nigger” who are the people you want to deport back to Africa.

  36. Bart: bingo!

    Edward Brown: only we real Trump folks live in reality. The rest of y’all live in the MATRIX of globalist lies emanating from the commie bowels of Satan.

    I do agree that a lawsuit by Robert Bowers for wrongful imprisonment will make sense, but first he has to be acquitted due to justified homicide or self defense and released. I’m just a Florida sheriff’s deputy from next to the Georgia line, and even I know that much.

    Robert: if you are not on the Trump train you have two choices. Get on the Trump train real quick like, or get ran over by the Trump train..and it won’t be too long before those two choices, narrow down to one.

    I don’t understand what you are waiting on recognition of by who, or why, but it does not sound all that interesting and from what little I gathered I would not hold my breath, awaiting on that, if I was you.

    Marty: I ain’t never heard niggers called Google’s before. Is that something Jews or Polacks call niggers? We just call them niggers down here, or negroes if we’re trying to be polite.

    I would think Google’s would be something that it would be better to call Jews, if anything. That is because they are the physical seed of Satan, his goo, the joo.

  37. Niggers. Jungle bunnies, pickaninnnies, porch monkeys…call them what you want, just don’t call them to work on time.

  38. I never mentioned a wrongful imprisonment lawsuit by Bowers.
    It never crossed my mind.
    But it caught my eye in comment above.
    Not a bad idea, though.
    What is going on?

  39. You guys have given me an idea.
    A motion pursuant to 28 USC Section 2255.
    Federal custody.
    Prisoner habeas corpus.
    True, Bowers has not been convicted or sentenced.
    However, an argument could be made that being held without bail pretrial is in effect
    a sentence.
    Further, he has a viable affirmative defense.
    Might could work.
    Maybe I will try it.
    Make use of all the federal criminal law I got to know from being unjustly convicted in 1985.


    “From an email dated January 29, 2007 titled: On emigration subsidy proposal re: African American community. On a personal note, I’d like to say that this specific proposal is mine alone. Although there are many related books and studies. About Black History, Culture, the Black Diaspora etc. To the best of my knowledge it is not a policy or plank of either the libertarian or green parties which I am a progressive alliance candidate for their presidential nomination. See: www. robertmilnes. net I have many such ideas which I think one will find among progressive thinkers and theorists. It is a direct consequence of my Amends to Native Americans. And my responses to recent highly publicized efforts by Bono, Gates, Madonna, Jolie & Oprah. Although it deeply concerns all Americans, I have chosen to submit it specifically to the African American community at this time, approaching February, Black History Month. Starting with some stastics: recently the U.S. population reached 300 million. The 2000 U.S. census reports that the Native American/Alaskan population is approx. 1%(.9%) approaching 3 million. African-American about 12% about 35 million. Hispanic-American about 13% about a little more than 35(37) million. Now we take a look at my colony state working theory i.e. a benevolent colony state is one which is mutually beneficial to both the colonists and the host. A viable balanced formula seems to be 1/2 land and population and some formula for economic parity. Case in point: How can the American and Native American populations achieve parity? This represents a huge gap and task. I would propose paring up and down to about 100 million in about 25 years. The most viable methods I came up with would be voluntary emigration with subsidy for Americans and positive eugenics including surrogate motherhood with subsidy for Native Americans. (I discuss the latter in Amends). A tentative, realistic figure I came up with would be about $50,000 with $25,000 at first, $5000/yr. for 5 years. For example, if 25 million black Americans emigrated with subsidy, that represents 1.25 trillion gross in capital. In addition would be various assets, liquidatable or transferable e.g. businesses, real estate, automobiles, furniture, tools, equipment, PSs, stocks, bonds, savings. Also to be considered would be the fact that in most parts of the world, American currency has far greater purchasing power. And of course not to be underestimated, the people as asset. Their skills,experience, education, hopes and dreams etc. Now, just helping the Native American Amends effort & exchange of African Americans the situation of being an alienated, largely impoverished minority in America to a subsidized significant force as it were, could be quite enough. But what if this force were organized, concentrated? e.g. 5 million to Liberia, bolstering the economy, 10 to Nigeria, helping the economy & the civil war and the AIDS effort. 5 million to Haiti. etc. Possibly this could represent a significant step in the overall advancement of blacks in the world. It could also be part of an overall planned phase in of recovery for Native Americans expanding on the present reservation system. I have put a lot of thought into this. I hereby present it to the African American community and all Americans for their consideration. RWM.”

  41. No, Marty. That is not a correct translation.
    This is dated 2007.
    My ideas on these matters have altered.
    Due to new information.
    The BBC has produced a documentary such that Aborigines traveled to South America about 40kya.
    Other information is such that Western Europeans- Solutreans- traveled to North America about 20kya.
    This is The Solutrean Hypothesis.
    The most popularized is that Mongols crossed the Bering Strait about 13kya.
    When Columbus explored what is now North America the Caribbean Sea, it was the Mongol descendants who were there.
    At issue is who is the rightful claimant to what areas of The Americas.

  42. That is a great song, and a worthy sentiment. I’d rather have my family’s property recovered and returned to our ownership, with 156 years of interest compounding. Otherwise, yeah, ship then to Africa.

  43. That’s easy. The White Man is the rightful Owner and King of all we see, touch, declare, or desire to be ours.

  44. I have decided to file a Combined Petition/Motion Pursuant to 28 USC Section 2241 et seq. and 2255 to US District Court for Western Pennsylvania.
    Senior District Judge The Honorable Donetta W. Ambrose, presiding.

  45. Those killed were:

    Joyce Fienberg, 75
    Richard Gottfried, 65
    Rose Mallinger, 97
    Jerry Rabinowitz, 66
    Cecil, 59 & David Rosenthal, 54
    Bernice, 84 & Sylvan Simon, 86
    Daniel Stein, 71
    Melvin Wax, 88
    Irving Younger, 69

    You claim he killed all these elderly people in self-defense. You are full of bullshit.

  46. Tell any Palestinian you are going to buy stock in a company that patronizes Israel and see if he at least thinks about killing you.
    Then hand him a gun or knife. Or the keys to your car to run you over.

  47. Would it be okay with you if someone went to your father’s old folks home and started shooting up all the old white people there because of what their ancestors did to the Indians?

  48. If a defendant formulated an affirmative defense against my father’s-or my-race, religion or country or past or present grievance, and presented that defense in Court to a jury and that jury agreed, I guess then yes. I would have to yield to the jury’s decision.
    Bowers must have believed in the validity of his rationale. And it was basically a suicide mission. Suicide by cop. Bowers had no guarantee he would survive if he did not surrender to the police. Which he did not.
    It is all very complex, Gabe. Because violence is complex.
    Making a nonviolent society, that is a very difficult task at hand, Gabe.
    And we know from history that an apartheid, theocratic, counterrevolutionary state would not be part of that.

  49. After the Jeffrey Epstein fiasco I am concerned about Bowers being in US federal custody.
    I think he could get out with some good lawyering, but then what?
    Where could he be safe? Idk.
    So far no reports of security or safety lapses where he is.
    He must be under tremendous pressure to plea bargain.
    Between the US Attorney and Judy Clark.
    Clarke is known for arranging plea bargains for high profile defendants.
    In my letter to Bowers I advised him to not plea bargain. Put his trust in the jury. And ME.
    On October 27 it will be three years he has been in US custody.
    Whatever happened to his right to a speedy trial?

  50. Let the arrogant US Attorney get his way. The death penalty.
    The sooner Bowers gets into the Courtroom with his jury, the sooner he will get American justice.
    And we will see what that is, won’t we?

  51. What the Whites did to Indians was and is justified, unlike what Jews have and still do to every country which lets them in, and over 100 countries have kicked them out over the years.

  52. Soon, I think, and hope. Israel is probably about to lose its nuclear monopoly in its neighborhood, and then there’s all the military equipment the US left in Afghanistan , some of which could end up with fundamentalist Islamic groups near Israel. Among other reasons to be increasingly hopeful.

  53. You dork.
    Israel made sure we left in chaos. Made sure we left a lot of weapons behind.
    I would not be surprised if they did something to make sure we droned that innocent family.
    Israel = treachery. I suspect Israel unleashed Covid in China.
    A very sophisticated False Flag covert operation.
    Biden is an Israeli lackey. Finishing lackey Trump withdrawal from Afghan.

  54. If they made sure we left a lot of weapons behind, some of those weapons might just help bring them down, so it will serve them right.

  55. FML,
    No, Israel is not sweating some terrorists.
    They might cause some problems but not enough to bring Tsrael down.
    Not even close.
    But it could get Tsrael some sympathy and support.
    Especially from reactionary Americans with deep pockets.

  56. Right wing nuts should be quite excited about The Solutrean Hypothesis.
    It is firm ground, pun intended, for a claim for the entire North and even Central America by North West i.e.
    European, Asians. Europe being a large Asian peninsula.
    A White America.
    Despite the fact that white skin came about genetically about 8kya. So the Solutreans had brown skin much like the Mongols that they must have encountered shortly after they crossed the Bering Sea. That would make the Mongols prehistoric interlopers in both North and South America as they are called now.
    We do not know yet whether such meeting was nonviolent or not. Evidently the Mongols wound up with the Clovis/Solutrean stone point and technology. Yes, that is prehistoric technology. Stones.
    Blue eyes also came about around 8kya around the Black Sea.
    My hypothesis is that the receding glaciation in Scandinavia allowed for a population movement north and west from the Black Sea.
    Also at this time there was a significant birth rate rise. Hypothetically this could have been caused by a new sexual attractiveness of the people. They had no birth control to speak of.
    So we have the present day high percentage of blue eyed blondes around Scandinavia.
    Interesting that there is also an area of fair complexion around Korea and Japan. However no blue eyes or blonde hair.

  57. I don’t guess you’ve ever been to Afghanistan, have you? You don’t sound like you are all that familiar with what all we had over there (now I’m the hands of the Taliban and , whoever they will share it with). Those of us who actually spent some time there fighting them and working with that equipment are much more concerned.

  58. Nick,
    Are you talking to me?
    Right. I have never been to Afghan.
    I am concerned about that equipment and how it is going go go to terrorists all over, including in and around Israel.
    I’m just saying I suspect Israel manipulated that. Fully knowing that. Deliberately giving Islamic terrorists a shot in the arm so to speak. Blaming “chaos” or the USA. Not mentioning the huge influence Israel has in the USA.
    Somebody like Bowers winds up taking on huge responsibility that the USA has given up to Israel.
    Sure the FBI/Mossad surveils and attacks right wing parties and lone nuts like Bowers.
    But they also surveil leftists/progressives like me. Internationally.
    The GP, CP and LP do not support Israel like the dems and reps do. I am not sure about how much the centrist parties like Reform/Alliance party support Israel.
    Thank you for your service Nick.
    Now I would appreciate it if you would join the first responders who Israel dropped the Twin Towers on their heads on 9/11.
    I am not the enemy. The enemy is Islamic terrorists AND Israel.

  59. It’s a bad thing the equipment will go to terrorists all over but it’s a good thing it will go to terrorists against state terrorist state of Israel, maybe even leading to the joos finally being pushed into the sea, as they should have been , thousands of years ago.

    Did Israel help get the weapons into the hands of their Muslim rivals for planned propaganda value, as you suggested? Probably. Will it still bite them in the ass, perhaps fatally? Quite possibly.

    I’m not sure who you think said or implied you are the enemy. Not my pPUncle Larry and not me, for sure. We agree with your assessment that both Israel and radical jizzlam are the enemy.

    What we hope and pray to God, our Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ, and his second coming, President God Emperor Mr. DONALD JOHN TRUMP SR., BOSS OF ALL BOSSES, KING OF ALL KINGS, LORD OF ALL LORDS and have great faith and prophesy will take place in these end times that God has given us the fortune to live in:

    Using the weapons we left behind in Afghanistan and others , the Mohammetan hordes with push the Jews into the sea. Whites finally find our backbones, and expel the jizzlamic, mestizo, and other turd world hordes from our great White Nations. We take the phony holohoax, and make it real. Kill each and every last joo.

    Liberals, leftists, demoncrats, femocrats, dopers, sexual deviants, brunets, the left handed, homos, trannys, hookers, sluts, traitors, atheists, vegetarians, greenie weenies, antifa, blm, witches, dwarves, Satanists, retards, gypsies, and many others will be rounded up, publicly as well as in dungeons whipped and tortured, correctively gang raped and humiliated, forced to fight each other to the death, fed alive to hungry animals, dropped out of helicopters, burned in bundles, buried alive en masse, used for medical experiments, etc, etc, all for public entertainment to stimulate our economy as well. Basically the day of the rope and vanilla ISIS, BUT WE’LL DO IT BIGGER AND BETTER.

    WHAT ABOUT THE NIGGERS? We can either enslave them again (our family wants our stolen property returned, with interest) or sent back to Africa. The Africans don’t really want them back either, so maybe some boats could spring a leak in the middle of the ocean.

    President Trump will be back in office, and publicly reveal that He is the second coming of Jesus, and my uncle Larry is his prophet. He will be crowned Emperor and fulfill the prophecy that He will be GOD EMPEROR and sit on a throne made of pure gold in FLORIDA .

    We will conquer and destroy all our enemies, foreign and domestic. Our Holy American Empire will encompass the whole world, and last forever. There will be tiki torch parades and cross and swastika lightings every night and military parades every day.

    We will all live happily in the Kingdom of Heaven forever. Everything will be paved with gold. Everyone will be White, straight, Christian, right handed , genetically pure, blond or red headed, blue or green eyed, tall, muscular and well proportioned, and if we allow inferior races to exist at all, we will banish them to their own continents or keep them as slaves. Our women and children will also be completely obedient again in total and complete patriarchy, theocratic martial law, and there will be giant screens projecting Trump speeches and giant golden statues of Trump everywhere.

    We will banish all drugs and filthy entertainment, and there will be mandatory sports, exercise, physical competition, target shooting and tactical training for everyone every day, and Church and Bible classes, and cooking and cleaning and other domestic classes and competitions for the women and girls.

    There will be daily public executions and whippings, etc. We will have total and complete dominion over the animals and nature. Greenie weenie, animal rights and vegetarian freaks will be fed alive to hungry lions, tigers, bears, pigs, and crocodiles, or forced to cannibalize each other.

    Are you my enemy? Only if you stand in the way of bringing my Uncle’s prophecy to reality. If you stand in our way, our family will ruthlessly torture and kill you. But if you get on board our train and help our Vanilla ISIS build our Empire of Heaven you , will be greatly rewarded, and given strong young niggers as slaves and beautiful young White girls as wives and concubines. Praise Jesus, and praise God, and praise Trump . So let it be written, so let it be done . Hallelujah and Amen!

  60. Give it up, paulie.
    Everybody knows it is you.
    What a waste of your time and energy and talent.
    Writing all this garbage.
    Stop trashing out Richard’s blog.
    Gaslighting will not work on me.
    Give it up. paulie.

  61. U.S., Israel Walk Out of United Nations Meeting After Zionism Likened to Racism. Zoe Strozewski, Newsweek.
    Was the Israeli Representative leading the U.S. Representative with a leash?
    What a huge statement and embarrassment right in front of the world.

  62. Too late, son. You shoulda never spread it open for the so called vaccine. Now it’s stuck in you and never coming out. And it’s embedded in every cell in your body, boy.

  63. Yes, Dr Karl.
    Renown, respected. Internationally.
    Huge resume,
    Expert testimony in many complicated cases.
    If you have a screw loose, Karl will tighten you up!

  64. Because the chances of your success in sending the Jews back into slavery in Egypt is very low.

  65. Building an Eden paradise for jews free of the violence they bring onto themselves hardly sounds like slavery, which is the Zionist plan for the world.
    No more American soldiers for Israeli cannon fodder.

  66. Two Aircraft carrier battle groups. One in the Med. One in the Red Sea up to the Gulf of Aqaba.
    All targets in Zionist Occupied Palestine vulnerable to naval gunfire.
    Seal teams parachute into high priority target areas. (nuclear facilities).
    Other targets paratrooper take. 82nd and 101st various military targets.
    US Marines land on enemy occupied beaches. Amphib. assault.
    Tank columns escorting armored personel carriers from Jordan and Egypt.
    Civilians ordered to shelter in place to prevent them from massing against the jews and killing them en masse.
    They could be put in the armored vehicles and delivered to receiving areas run by the U.N. in Sinai.
    Immediate air superiority. Declare No Fly Zone over Occupied Palestine.

  67. Now if Israel starts making noises or moves toward the Samson option, thsat would be a whole other thing.
    There might have to be a swift, stealth, surprise saturation bombing.
    With neutron (enhanced radiation) bombs.
    Every living thing in Occupied Israel would be killed by radiation. The nuclear detonators and all other electronics would be fried by the EMP (electromagnetic pulse).
    However the infrastructure, buildings, roads, bridges, dams etc., would be left relatively unscathed.

  68. Now if I was jewish, I just might be crazy/arrogant enough to turn my nose up at a bona fide offer of an alternative Eden in Sinai. And demand that Israel occupy somebody else’s homeland and fight to the last man for it. And then demand that last man push a suicide button such that if Israel cannot have Palestine then no one will. And if Israel cannot exist on Earth then no country will exist on Earth.
    If Samson must die, he will tear down the columns supporting the roof so you will all die in the Temple with him.

  69. But first , deport every single last kike from every other country, so once those neutron bombs are deployed, not one seed of Satan kike is left walking the earth.

  70. The object would be to remove as many living things from Zionist Occupied Palestine just in case a saturation neutron bombing became necessary.
    Because Israel will have planted at least 100 ground burst nuclear weapons in order to create a nuclear winter. Neutron bombs would be air bursts, so would create a lot of radiation but not enough debris into the atmosphere to block enough sunlight. The EMP would neutralize the ground burst detonators.
    Question: Does Israel have enough nuclear weapons to install on submarines or secretly plant them around the world to create a nuclear winter? It is difficult to determine. Most of the submarine weapons would have to be successfully launched and hit the ground targets. Presumably on MIRV (multiple independently targeted reentry vehicle) warheads.
    It would do little “good” to detonate a ground burst in the ocean.

  71. According to actual physicists I know, the nuclear winter hypothesis is largely propaganda, and on very shaky ground as far as the actual science goes.

  72. Communist controlled scientists who pushed for unilateral US disarmament and/or never using our nukes first have spread it into the popular imagination of what a nuclear war will entail. That was to give first the USSR and now Commie China and Commie Korea an advantage in making us too hesitant to use our weapons.

    I do like where you are going in using the neutron bombs in Israel . But first I hope you agree with the idea of rounding up and deporting every seed of Satan joo there . So we can have a real final solution, not like the phony holohoax lie. Which: even if it was true would of failed to achieve the objective since even by their own admission most of the satanic vermin survived.

  73. Everybody,
    This stuff is not my imagination.
    Google Samson Option. et al.
    Evidently getting revenge on the world for the Holocaust is quite a jewish thing.
    Of course they do not see much responsibility on themselves.
    The object here is to dissuade Israel into fighting for Palestine to the death.
    The Sinai Proposal very viable IMO.
    AND to get on with it. A negotiated withdrawal of jews from Palestine to Sinai.
    Abbas is making a good start with his speech at the U.N.
    Israel represents a direct virulent obstacle to what I am trying to do, a progressive movement.
    And a direct threat to me personally.
    So I would appreciate some more movement to resolve this.
    I assume the Palestinians would agree. The sooner this gets done the better.

  74. It’s not your imagination, but it’s a communist lie. The seed of Satan joos want you to believe they have the power to kill all of us. In reality they have no such power. The seed of Satan joos also invented leftism, socialism and communism, which are all SATANIC lies.

    Then they invented anotheR satanic joo lie that if we use our nuclear might to completely defeat their slant eyed commie puppets it will end all life on earth. Another joo lie. The holohoax? Yep, another satanic joo lie. But now we’ll make it come true for real, in Jesus name.

    First we deport all the satanic seed of Satan joos from all the gentile homelands of the world. Then we end all of them with neutron bombs. Then we thank Jesus and celebrate our freedom and the greatness of God. Amen!

    And while we are at it, we also end the brown skinned Islamic savages, the slant eyed communists, the dot heads, and end them with our mighty patriotic neutron bombs and rule the whole world forevermore as the undisputed White Race, Homeland, Nation, and Christian TRUMP SECOND COMING faith under the Gadsden and Confederate flags and the Cross.

    My uncle, the Patriarch and Prophet Larry has declared it so, so that’s just how it’s going to be whether YOU like it or not!!!

  75. Why are you confused by my name, and what is your problem with the Prophet and Patriarch ,my Uncle Larry, and his vision? Make no mistake, it is YOUR problem, no matter what it is.

  76. Apparently you are. You seem to be confusing me with other people, from what little I can tell. My uncle Larry is the Patriarch and Prophet, and his gospel of wisdom has been laid out here for all who have discerning. His wisdom will continue to be shared here, praise Jesus, praised God, praise TRUMP, and praise Uncle Larry. Any delusions that one or another of you holds about us, our family, and our faith are not relevant.

  77. Come on, paulie. Give it up.
    Everybody knows it is you.
    You are trashing Richard’s blog.
    Probably to decrease its readership and credibility.
    Who would want to do that?
    Dems, reps and Israel.
    Those that hold political power.
    Those that do not want schmucks like us to figure out what is wrong with the system and what to do about it.
    And we are really close and getting closer.
    Why don’t you go to Sinai and get others to join you there and create a place for freedom from violence for the jews?
    Except jew on jew violence.
    Like black on black violence.
    White on white violence.
    That would be on you.

  78. I can’t help you with your delusions. I’ve helped share my Uncle Larry’s gospel and prophecy. He has a long record of accurately foretelling the future. So I’m telling you not just what needs to happen, but what is GOING TO HAPPEN, SOON!!!

    And like Uncle Larry, I am giving you a last minute opportunity to save your one and only immortal soul and live forever in the Kingdom of Heaven where everything is paved and plated in gold and TRUMP, the SECOND COMING OF JESUS, rules the whole world from a SOLID GOLD THRONE RIGHT HERE IN FLORIDA. You would think you would grasp that lifesaver that I’m throwing you and hang on for dear life to save yourself from the eternal flames of hell, which is your only other, and quite imminent, option.

    But you choose to hang on to delusional thoughts and excuses about how I am supposedly someone else and gave some kind of alterior motive, when I’m just me and my motive is exactly what I told you. A last minute, against the odds, attempt to save you from the flames of hell. But you are so bound and determined to burn, you fight back against the lifesaver I’m throwing you with all your might. When you should embrace it and hang on to it for DEAR LIFE!!!

  79. paulie, admit here in BAN comments that you have been spying for Israel.
    You have a lot of libertarian friends. They will understand.
    Then call upon the jews to accept the Sinai proposal.
    They will listen to you.
    Go there. Begin a new life.

  80. I don’t know who you are talking to or about, but it sure isn’t anyone anything like me.

    I am not calling for joos to fight joos. I am calling for joos to be rounded up and deported from every gentile nation to Israel, then wiped off the face of the earth with neutron bombs.

    I am not calling for negroes to fight each other, unless it is as gladiators for our entertainment after we put them back in slavery. Our family had a lot of niggers stolen from us by the damn Yankees, and we want our stolen property back, with 156 years of interest and counting.

    I am not calling on Whites to fight each other either. I wish we could unite as a Race and fight, and conquer, all other , inferior races. Unfortunately, we do have a lot of race traitors, and we will have to fight and defeat them. Which we shall do. There’s no way around this unfortunate fact. I wish it were not so, but it is.

    Just like when you willingly spread your ass for the so called vaccine. You SHOULD NOT!!! HAVE BUT YOU DID. now you have been screwed, jood and tattooed. The poisonous seed of Satan and the Zionist tracker chips are now planted in every cell in your body. Satan and his joos control your body and mind like an enthralled zombie robot, which is what you are now. Nothing but a mindless puppet, a walking medical experiment and potential nuclear /biochemical weapon to be activated or disposed of like trash at any time of their choosing by your masters, Satan and his demonic joos.

  81. I hope everybody is ready for the Bowers case disposition.
    Because it may very well be a US Attorney motion for dismissal.
    If Bowers read my letter, or even if he did not, and holds his ground and pleads not guilty
    -does not plea bargain-then the US attorney is looking at a possible loss in court which the arrogant sobs hate.
    Or a possible hung jury or acquittal.
    If any of this happens, America, fasten your seat belts!

  82. Because the right wing nuts will have victory against the ZOG government AND The Solutrean Hypothesis. Ground for Western European claim to ALL of North and Central America.
    So fasten your seat belts America!

  83. I am not screwed, jewed and tattooed by the Covid Vaccine.
    Do not, anybody, believe that.
    Any more than with the Salk or Sabin vaccine.
    I took the red sugar cube. In the late 50’s/early 60’s.
    I remember. A LOT of us kids did.
    I am grateful for it. And the Covid vaccine.
    It is NOT a jewish vaccine.
    E=MC2 is not only for jews! It does not make you jewish.
    Get vaccinated, everyone. ASAP.
    Stop the anti vax/anti mask nonsense!

  84. The vaccine has turned you into a Jew. It turned your blood into Jewish blood. You should immediately be deported to Sinai.

  85. Walrus, fat ass blubberbutt,
    no, vaccines do not work like that.
    Did your handler tell you to write that?
    Direct from Tel Aviv?
    Think tanks working hard on how to screw Bob Milnes?
    You are spreading vaccine disinformation in America fatso.
    Everybody: Bowers! Bowers! Bowers!
    Bowers! Bowers! Bowers!

  86. The chink virus “vaccine” is not a real vaccine, moron. It’s tracker chips and nanorobots loaded with poisonous Satan sperm, awaiting demonic commands to run medical experiments on you, dispose of you like garbage, or turn you into a conventional, biochemical, or nuclear weapon. They can also manipulate your brain to make you spread pro”vax” and pro face diaper propaganda. Just like you are doing now. You’ve been screwed, jewed and tattooed. You are now a Jew. If Bowers gets out of prison, if he hasn’t been jewed too, he should kill you. You Milnes should be deported to the Sinai and killed with a neutron bomb along with, all the rest of your fellow Jews.

  87. Did you really think the “vaccine” they injected you with was the same thing they inject Israelis with? Or that it was a vaccine at all? You naive fool.

    You didn’t think. So….

    You didn’t think, so you just spread your ass, and now you are screwed, jood and tattooed.

  88. LOL @ Milnes. Dumb and naive enough to think zog hasn’t come up with anything new since the 1950s? You “think” the “vaccine” you just took up the ass is anything like the sugar cubes you sucked on and swallowed as a kid? You gullible fool!

    You don’t think. So now you’re screwed, jood and tattooed. So you need to be deported and destroyed.

  89. We will track down deliberate anti vax/anti mask traitorous dogs like you.
    Nowhere on Earth will hide you.
    You will be brought to justice in America.
    It is one thing to be duped by lying Trump, the dictator/ monarch, demi god wanna be.
    It is quite another to be deliberately, criminally responsibly to misinform people to their sickness and death.
    And will we find out Israel is the source of covid? Cleverly releasing it in China?
    And Israel deliberately dropped the Twin Towers on our first responders?
    And Israel manipulated American humiliation in Afghanistan?
    We will find out.
    There will be justice.

  90. One day Milnes was jerking to reporters, showing off his wood ,
    The next day he was spreading his asscheeks, getting screwed, jood, and tattooed….

  91. Is Rabbi Milnestein getting his booster shot in the anus as well? Or, will it go into a different hole, this time?

  92. Speaking of my dick, I woke up this morning it had supersized!
    And the foreskin grew back!
    It looks like a giant kielbasa!
    Wow! I am going to get my booster ASAP!

  93. You should be careful. If getting two shots in the crack of your ass causes your cock to swell up , what will a shot in the dickhole do? You may wake up with a gigantic ass, a tail springing out of your tailbone, gigantic hemorrhoid with a face and teeth, etc.

  94. I am interested in balls and penises. Could you take a picture of yours and add it to your blog?

  95. LOL! You guys, or just you, paulie, fell for it.
    I did what I call “fire for effect”.
    I put a bit of disinformation out there.
    That my dick supersized etc.
    Looks like paulie was the only one who replied.
    With garbage and gaslight comments.
    Because that is all he has here.
    If that countered the anti vax/anti mask stuff, well, ok.
    But everybody, no, my dick did not supersize.
    Foreskin did not grow back.
    It does not look like a kielbasa.
    My balls are still my balls.

  96. That’s just what I thought a zog bitch would say, rabbi Milnestein , thanks for confirmation.

  97. The ZOG (Rabbi Milnestein) wants to make it look like opposition to the Zionist occupation supports terrorists like Bowers. This is the same operation the ZOG used with ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service).

  98. Who says Bowers is a terrorist?
    I do not. He has a bona fide affirmative defense.
    One man’s terrorist is another man’s patriot.
    General Milley said in Congressional testimony that he recommended keeping about 2500 US troops in Afghanistan.
    To the President.
    The President said no he did not in an interview.
    I believe General Milley.
    I believe the President is a ZOG lackey.

  99. ZOG puppet (((Rabbi Milnestein))) is trying to make it appear opponents of the Zionist occupation believe shooting up an old folks home is legitimate political activity. This is how they discredit movements.

  100. The Pittsburgh synagogue is not an old folks home.
    Who is ZOG puppet Rabbi Milnestein?
    Certainly not me.
    Just because the jews managed to manipulate gentile doctors to add another billable service of circumcision of gentile babies which I was one-duped my parents-does not make me a Rabbi now.
    I could not nor would not be a Rabbi. Mutilate gentile babies all you want, still not happening.

  101. Only a ZOG puppet would tar the anti-Zionist movement with the claim it is legitimate political activity to shoot up a bunch of defenseless old folks in a Synagogue.

  102. People in a synagogue are not defenseless.
    They have the JDL and the IDF.
    Start posting guards in the synagogues.
    To defend the terrorists supporting the Zionist Occupied territories and headquarters.

  103. Just about none of the christians in a church support a christian state.
    Few muslims in a mosque support an islamic state or caliphate/ emirate.
    But just about every jew in a synagogue supports Israel.

  104. William S. Saturn,
    where are you?
    Don’t you have an opinion on the comments on this thread?
    I note you posted an article about Robert David Steele in IPR.
    I had some email exchange with him around 2016.
    I ran PLAS by him as he was a candidate for the LP nomination.
    At first he replied cordially.
    Then he said do not contact him anymore.
    Sure tough guy right wing nut.
    It does not surprise me that he died from Covid
    as you report.
    What is wrong with The Saturnalian?
    It comes up enlarged on my screen.

  105. Give it up, Rabbi Milnestein. No one is buying your bullshit, and that is not going to change. Not now, and not ever. You’re not fooling anyone, not even yourself.

  106. I am waiting for a disposition on the Bowers case.
    Will Bowers resist the ZOG pressure and manipulation to plea bargain?
    Like it did to me in 1985?
    Or will he demand a trial by a jury of his peers?
    As his Constitutional right.
    Meanwhile his Constitutional right to a speedy trial has been trampled.
    Will there be a dismissal by an arrogant US attorney who will decline to risk losing in Court?
    Especially if Bowers demands that I champion his case.
    To lose to me would be especially humiliating for a ZOG US attorney.
    Or will there be an acquittal or hung jury?
    Each would be a victory in its own way over the ZOG.
    Synagogues as headquarters for terrorist operations
    would become legal, legitimate targets for civilian patriots.
    That is the Bowers case.

  107. I am also waiting for General Milley to take over the ZOG government.
    Then come to me for advice on attacking Israel.
    And on conducting fair and representative elections.
    And transferring North and Central America to its rightful owners, the descendants
    of the prehistoric Solutreans.
    And for some journalists to come forward and reveal the existence of tv surveillance.
    One of many capabilities of The Surveillance State of ZOG.
    The anchors of our morning and evening news must know of it for example.
    Make THEM “…Give it up.”
    Getting paid millions to spoon feed us ZOG propaganda.

  108. I am ready, able and willing to -PRO BONO-assist Bowers in his defense, as is his Constitutional right.
    i.e. Champion his Defense.
    In Pittsburgh,
    OR, change of venue to Philadelphia.

  109. Yes, change the venue to accommodate ME, MY disability.
    “Severe reactive depression”.
    Pursuant to the Americans with Disability Act.
    My normal completely rational and understandable reaction to the toxic
    society of ZOG dominated America.
    …Never mind. I will go to Pittsburgh.
    If Bowers asks me to.
    If the Court allows it.
    We shall see, shall we not?

  110. LOL! @ Sinterklaas.
    Is that all you got?
    My ZOG-endorsed anti-ZOG propaganda?
    I have been thinking about Robert David Steelr dying from Covid.
    Actually a LOT of right wing nuts are dying from Covid.
    It seems like Trump all but deliberately spread it at his
    right wing nut MAGA rallies.
    Gentile right wing nuts are enemies of Israel.
    Coincidence? I think not.
    Israel launches Covid in China. China gets the blame.
    Covid is targeted at gentile right wing nuts in America.
    The Israeli lackey president Trump spreads it.
    Now we have another Israeli lackey president Biden.
    Allows American humiliation in Afghanistan.
    Meanwhile Israel is nearly fully vaccinated.
    Meanwhile most of the rest of the world has nearly none of the vaccine.
    Yes, Israel looks good for the Covid pandemic.
    Another Israeli crime against humanity.
    US Military, General Milley. Come get me.
    I will lead the war against Israel.

  111. Remember the mass shooting in Las Vegas recently?
    Well, most of the audience at that concert were country western right wing nuts.
    It would make perfect sense for Israel to arrange that.
    And bring to it any number of right wing nuts into the audience,
    knowing full well it is going to get shot up.
    Kind of like Israel knew JFK was going to get shot.
    So they arranged jew Zapruder to be in an ideal location to film it-with a brand new top of the line camera!
    No “Need to know” for Zapruder to accomplish his secret mission.
    So he was appropriately shocked and dazed when interviewed minutes later.
    Made a few bucks on the side when he sold the film too
    Right in front of everybody!!
    Win, Win for Israel and the jews!

  112. The ZOG wants the public to perceive those who oppose it to be as insane as the ramblings above convey. Everytime he posts Rabbi Milnestein should be exposed as the ZOG puppet he is.

  113. What about the LGBTQ Pulse Club shooting in Orlando in 2016?
    This occurred a few days after the Libertarian National Convention.
    I suspect the original target was the LGBTQ caucus at the convention.
    When I did not show up as expected it was aborted.
    Plan B was The Pulse Club.
    Why waste a perfectly good false flag covert operation?
    Yes, the ZOG found and set up a real good perp, Omar Mateen.
    Didn’t you really hate Islamic terrorists after that?
    And appreciate Israel for standing up to them?

  114. Above is the ZOG tactic of changing the subject once exposed. Rabbi Milnestein sees himself being exposed so brings up something irrelevant to distract.

  115. A few weeks ago somebody threw a brick through my front window at 2a.m.
    I was going to run out there and try to find the sob.
    But I though no, who knows if there is a reception waiting out there for me.
    So I called the fuzz.
    I did not hear much about it. So I began to suspect the guy across the street.
    Ray. I heard from my Trump lover landlord that Ray has a huge dick.
    When he first moved in a few months ago.
    Maybe I was supposed to befriend him?
    He started complaining about how my solar powered night lighrs were glaring out his camera.
    He set it up because of a feud with his across the street neighbors. MY next door neighbors.
    It looks like a Ring doorbell camera that if put up on his door would face away at a right angle.
    So he has it taped to his front window. Supposedly at his across the street neighbors but also facing my front entrance.
    Maybe the ZOG has a surveillance camera aimed at my front entrance?
    Is somebody watching me in Tel Aviv?

  116. Probably, since Rabbi Milnestein admits he was going to be at an LGBQTWERY cockus in Orlando, after which the hitman was looking for him at a sodomy nightclub. So just like the Rabbi he has become after being injected two or three times with Satan sperm, Milnestein can’t wait to suck cock. Rabbis are known for sucking baby cocks and blood during circumcision, as well as for drinking the blood of gentile children that they molest and murder and bake into matzos so the rest of the demonic seed of Satan judenrats can get a taste too.

  117. No, not interested in dicks. Huge or not.
    Pussy I am interested in.
    A huge pussy?
    Sounds a little scary.
    But I would not hold it against a gal.
    If she has a huge pussy.

  118. You ARE a huge pussy, Rabbi Milnestein. You keep talking about things you coulda, woulda, shoulda done. Or things you might maybe do one day. Or things you hope other people will do for you. But they haven’t and won’t. Nobody cares. Nobody is going to care. Not even God will help you. Because God helps those who help themselves, and you don’t do jack shit for yourself or anyone else, you washed up, dried up, old, useless, pussy.

    You took the vaxx filled with Satan and demon sperm, right up the ass, like the huge pussy you are. Spread your ass wide for it like a huge pussy. Went back for more and going back again. Like a huge pussy.

    You sit around, do nothing, and bitch and complain endlessly, like a huge pussy. You wonder who will do stuff for you and when, and why they haven’t already, and why they ignite you, instead of getting off your ass and actually doing something, anything. That’s what a huge pussy does. No one has done any of the things you want them to do for you because you don’t lead by example like a real man but sit on your boy pussy and wait, whine, bitch, moan, nag, and complain…Like the huge pussy you actually are.

    No one is going to do jack squat for you unless and until you take some initiative, pussy. Then, maybe, maybe not. Nothing is guaranteed, except that if you keep doing nothing, you’ll keep getting nothing, pussy. And that’s exactly what you will get, because you will always do, be, and thus keep getting, nothing, pussy.

    If you keep doing what you always did – nothing – you’ll keep getting what you always got – nothing, you huge pussy. And that’s exactly what you will do, be. And get. Nothing. It’s what you deserve, you huge pussy.

    Now go on and bitch some more, you huge zog meat puppet pussy.

  119. Ignore, not ignite. You’re not lucky enough to have anyone ignite you, Rabbi “oy vey, woe is me” Milnestein.

  120. Another jewish spy possible problem has cropped up in y life.
    My friend Mark with the high I.Q. has a new neighbor.
    Mark is the guy who caught ADEM acute disseminating encephalomylitis
    while under the care of Dr. Amy Solomon of Boulder Creek, CA.
    His new neighbor is supposedly the son of his landlord named Johnny.
    Johnny pulled up on Dave’s yard, where Mark and I already have a trailer each, with his own trailer.
    He also has a bucket of black sand, which one pans down to the gold.
    Mark told me Johnny called him and the name Justin Bronstein came up on the caller ID.
    So is Johnny his real name or does he have Justin’s phone, or exactly what?
    Is he really a Mossad operative spying on Mark,
    And indirectly, me.
    Dave’s last name is not Bronstein.
    Dave is the guy I spent almost all of 9/11 with.
    Wasting time sluicing on the Wild and Scenic North Fork of the American River.
    I wrote about this on my blog. It is also on William Saturn’s blog.

  121. I still don’t understand why you wrote this: “I heard from my Trump lover landlord that Ray has a huge dick.”

    Is talk about your neighbor’s genitals usual banter with your landlord?

  122. Sinterklaas,
    When Ray first moved in a few months ago, Steve, my landlord and I were talking. Here comes Ray and they started joking about how big his dick is. And how he has women chasing him wanting to check out his huge dick.
    Steve is a crude working class kind of regular guy.
    A few months ago he showed me pictures of our Governor, a democrat with various sexual themes, laughing.
    Steve is just a regular guy and knows I do not mind such talk.
    What can I say? Life in the trailer park!

  123. Steve probably assumes Rabbi Milnestein is a sodomite because he never actually has sex with real life human females. Milnestein may well desire to have sex with human females, but he’s way too much of a huge pussy to go out to a bar, gym, dog park, or any place where normal human males meet normal human females for the purpose of mutually pleasurable exchange of sexual activities, going out and having fun together, and/or any other things that normal human males and females generally get together for the purpose of.

    Instead Milnestein whacks off to t.v. News reporter chicks and stalks them in weird and creepy ways, fantasizes about digging up graves for who knows what kind of weird perverse shit, spreads his asshole repeatedly for demonic Satan sperm falsely pushed out by ZOG as a vaccine to the slant eye flu to gullible suckers and fools, and does all kinds of weird shit that has about exactly zero chance of actually getting him laid. Maybe if Milnestein used his online time to troll for local chicks to date, Fuck, marry, lick up in his dungeon, hit the road in his rv, or whatever, guys like Steve wouldn’t try to match him up with big white cocks.

  124. The grave digging refers to people who for one reason or another, the ZOG has “died”. Disposed of.

    I assume jews, like Jack Ruby, get sent to Israel and given a new identity.
    Others, like my ex girlfriend Nancy McCusker Benson, PhD., of Boulder, Colorado, are given a disease -fake-. In her case, like Ruby, cancer. And a fake funeral. Which begs the question, who or what is in the casket, buried?
    So, dig it up. Take a look. Examine it under controlled, reliable circumstances.
    If Nancy is not in her grave, where is she?
    However my guess would be in a secret high security area. Perhaps drugged.
    Somewhere in the USA. or perhaps, Israel.
    If in Israel, they could be enslaved. Their DNA exploited etc.
    Unknown crimes against humanity by Israel.

  125. I Live in Ohio and the GOP gerrymandered our districts so much, and for so long, that just refused any 3rd party candidates on any ballot i can vote for. They are refusing to allow us to vote for anyone they do not choose. This Commie or is it a Nazi state? needs stopped and the dem party sits in the corner, with PTSD like an abused housewife, ” i made him mad, it is my fault”. Ohio needs help. it is not special service to these whiny 3rd parties, it is a front attack to our CONSTITUTION RIGHT TO VOTE.

  126. Alien invaders are poisoning our nation’s blood.

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