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Letter: America needs leaders who are governed by God

Following those who are blind to truth will cause disaster.



As we interminably experience unprecedented challenges in America, many of us no doubt dream wistfully back. We hope life will return to those halcyon days of yore. Here’s a sobering news flash: They are gone forever in this life.

We are lectured continually about trusting the “experts” and believing their science. OK, but when shall their science produce the results of which they crow? They spout that this is an apple tree. However, I clearly see only lemons. Then when someone questions authority, one is bullied, badgered and belittled for a varying reality.

Remember “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me”? I fear that too many have morphed into lemmings, those little rodents that are said to mindlessly follow one another to their deaths over a drop into the sea.

Jesus taught that wide is the way to destruction, and many go that way. Narrow is the way to life and few there be that find it (Matthew 7:13-14). Following blind leaders is a guarantee for disappointment and even disaster.

Our commonwealth’s great founder, William Penn, understood the necessity of biblical values.
He knew one had to be under God’s authority to be in authority over others. “If men will not be governed by God, then they will be governed by tyrants,” Penn stated. His words seem to be our soon destiny.

Larry D. Clauser
Amity Township