Fit is the New Skinny: Hiking trail safety tips in smoke


COWICHE, WA – There doesn’t have to be an active air quality alert to see how smoky it is outside.

As much as the air quality fluctuates in Yakima County, it’s important to use your best judgment before going on the trails, said the Cowiche Canyon Conservancy Education and Community Outreach Coordinator, Cy Philbrick.

“The simplest way I would put is, if the air quality isn’t great, I just wouldn’t go hiking,” said Philbrick.

If people decide to go, Philbrick said it’s best to wear an N95 face mask to protect themselves from the smoke.

“But for most people, me included, it’s just not comfortable to try to breathe deeply if you’re trying to hike or run in unhealthy air with a mask on,” said Philbrick.

There have been way fewer hikers along trails than usual this summer said, Philbrick.

“I think August was probably the least busy month that we’ve had at least since I’ve been at Cowiche Canyon Conservancy,” said Philbrick.

But for some, it’s too much fun to not be outdoors.

“You get a little bit of an adrenaline rush as you’re coming down some of these hills, it’s beautiful to be out and see the scenery,” said a local bike rider, Aaron Anderson.

Anderson said when he bikes with his daughter, he looks for the least smoky trail.

“We were out riding earlier this summer and we decided it just wasn’t healthy and we just go home,” said Anderson, “It’s not worth your health.”

Many trails are still very dry from the summer heat and stay that way into the busy fall season said, Philbrick. He said don’t park on the grass or take cigarettes on trails.


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