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The 'Love Is Blind' Season 2 Release Date Has Finally Been Announced by Netflix

Featuring a very special guest from the NDSU (Netflix Dating Show Universe).

Staff Writer

Mark your calendars and get ready for romance because Love Is Blind season 2 is coming to your TV screen in just a few short months.

Netflix announced the release date for the hugely popular blind-dating show with a special video featuring Chloe Veitch, the star of other shows Too Hot To Handleand The Circle.

In the video announcing the new date, Veitch tries out the speed-dating format from Love Is Blind with some other Netflix alums, including Peter Vigilante from Too Hot To Handle and Shubham "Shooby" Goel from The Circle.

But before you get too excited, Veitch is not actually going to be on the show — as a security guard informs her, shooting for the new season has already finished ahead of its February 2022 release date.

And according to Variety, casting for Season 3 had already begun as far back as March 2020, so there could be even more dating show drama on the horizon for Netflix fans.

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