Tech Bytes: Apple security software update, Facebook high profile user exemptions, Steve Wozniak launches space company

Apple’s urgent warning. The company is imploring people to download an emergency software update that fixes a flaw that could allow spyware to unknowingly be installed on iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches and Mac computers. Meanwhile, Apple holds an annual event today to unveil a new line of phones.

A new report says Facebook keeps a list of profiles that are immune to the company’s rules allowing posts that would otherwise be taken down. According to the Wall Street Journal, the program includes 5 million politicians, celebrities, and journalists. The company insists it previously disclosed the program and says it was developed to give certain accounts a, “second layer of review.”

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has joined the private space race. He’s behind a new company “Privateer SSpace” which promises to “keep space safe and accessible to all humankind”. No word yet exactly how he plans to do that.