Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 10 May 2021

The original version of this Article contained errors.

In Figure 7, the x-axis labels, “configuration number, n” did not display correctly and was incorrectly given as “configuration num er, n”.

The original Figure 7 and accompanying legend appear below.

Figure 7
figure 7

Numerical simulation of Eqs. (3) and (6) for a nine-leaf star network with 512 different initial conditions \({\mathbf {R}}(0)\), each of which is close to the state \({\mathbf {R}}_n^{(9)}\) of a particular predicted asymptotic configuration with number \(n=0,\ldots ,511\). Panels (a) and (b) correspond to the sigmoid boundary function with \(\mu =0.01\) and the Heaviside step boundary function, respectively. The frequencies \((\omega _1, \ldots , \omega _8, \omega _0, \omega _9)\), written in ascending order, are equidistantly distributed in the interval [0.6, 1]. The states \({\mathbf {R}}(0)\) are chosen so that the initial distances \(|{\mathbf {R}}(0)-{\mathbf {R}}_n^{(9)}|\) shown in blue squares are the same for all configurations. The yellow dots show the values of the corresponding distances \(|{\mathbf {R}}(t)-{\mathbf {R}}_n^{(9)}|\) at time \(t=300\), and the red circles at time \(t=76{,}000\). Parameter values: \(\varepsilon = 0.001\), \(\tau _+ = 0.15\), \(\tau _-=0.3\), and \(\alpha = 1\).

Additionally, there were errors in the Reference list.

Reference 42 was incorrectly given as:

42. Khaledi Nasab, A., Kromer, J. & Tass, P. Long-lasting desynchronization of plastic neural networks by random reset stimulation. Front. Physiol. (in press) (2020).

Reference 49 was incorrectly given as:

49. Pfeifer, K. J. et al. Coordinated reset vibrotactile stimulation induces sustained cumulative benefits in Parkinson’s disease. Front. Physiol. (Under review) (2021).

The correct References are listed below:

42. Khaledi Nasab, A., Kromer, J. & Tass, P. Long-lasting desynchronization of plastic neural networks by random reset stimulation. Front. Physiol. 11, 622620. (2021).

49. Pfeifer, K. J. et al. Coordinated reset vibrotactile stimulation induces sustained cumulative benefits in Parkinson’s disease. Front. Physiol, 12, 624317. (2021).

The original Article has been corrected.