Rep. Kinzinger criticizes fellow Republicans’ response to Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates

Rep. Kinzinger criticizes fellow Republicans’ response to Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates
Photo credit YouTube screenshot

CHICAGO (WBBM NEWSRADIO) — Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger has criticized members of his own Republican Party for how they’re responding to COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

While unsure of the legality Kinzinger said President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates will save lives.

He joined CBS’s Face the Nation Sunday morning where he said several fellow Republicans in Congress are fighting them, not out of safety concerns but as a chance to benefit themselves.

"To simply manipulate our base, raise money off of them and not care about their life only care about what it means for their votes and their bottom line as politicians," Kinzinger said.

He said Republican leaders should not use vaccine status, as he called it,” some tattoo” of what political tribe you belong to.

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