Wisdom and humility in teaching

Rev. David Wilson Rogers

Taking seriously the wisdom of James, there are many in the world today who should not be in positions of influence because of the unchristian manner in which they choose to teach, communicate, and transmit information. Such teachings fail to meet the biblical standard of authenticity, in spite of the populist enthusiasm and unrelenting passion with which the teachings are received. Yet, for a Christian to either teach, or embrace the teachings of others, without prayerfully discerning the fruit of the teaching, is to violate a fundamental principle of the book of James. Consider the wisdom of James Chapter 3.

For James, “teaching” must be understood in the broadest of terms. Too often, interpreters limit the concept of teaching to those who stand in pulpits or Sunday School classrooms and teach the Bible to church members. In a slightly broader context, some may expand the concept to those who stand in classrooms and pass along knowledge to students. Indisputably, these two categories of teachers are included in James’ understanding of those who teach, but it is probable that he was referring to a much broader definition of people who intentionally pass along information.

Using the broader understanding of teaching, Christians would do well to understand teaching to include professions such as newscasters, commentators, bloggers, reporters, motivational speakers, politicians, and just about anyone who shares memes, posts, and general information in Social Media. The explicit intention of all such forms of communication is that the one communicating information is intentionally trying to inform, persuade, teach, correct, or admonish others in the transmission of the message. James is very direct. If the power of human communication is used to both bless and curse, to spread bitter envy and selfish ambition, and boast without regard to truth, fact, or prayerful discernment, it is not of God. James calls such exploitation of communication devilish and destructive.

The reason for his harsh criticism of human communication is simple. James understands that human communication is among the most powerful gifts given to humanity by our Creator. James recognizes the importance and significance it has for spreading God’s word and will, transmitting God’s blessing and peace, and representing God’s loving grace for all humanity, James would not have well-meaning Christians abuse that power for the advantage of the devil. In contrast, James records the contrast to the wickedness of abusing communication to the Christian priority of embracing communication for its divine potential. Authentic Christian communication is borne of wisdom from above which is pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits and without a trace of partiality or hypocrisy. If communication fails to manifest these qualities, it cannot be considered Christian.

Arguably, James recognizes that everyone is flawed and nobody will perfectly wield the power of communication. Yet, he calls for wisdom and humility in teaching, communicating, and transmitting information. By embracing the good, measuring the good fruits in the outcome of communication, and avoiding its divisive potential, Christians can prayerfully discern the authenticity of their Christian walk by simply evaluating what their attention to communication produces. Sadly, far too many in today’s world gravitate toward the demonic opposite and embrace communication that is argumentative, hostile, divisive, filled with arrogant opinion, and devoid of truth. It is such wickedness and hypocrisy that undermines any authenticity of Christian witness. We may communicate perfectly, but do not need to embrace evil either!