Home News Gaming PlayStation Plus update October 2021: double blow for fans of free PS5...

PlayStation Plus update October 2021: double blow for fans of free PS5 and PS4 games

Alan Wake and Uncharted Lost Legacy are unlikely to be on PS Plus in October (Image: SONY)

There’s some bad news for PlayStation Plus subscribers this month, as Sony rules out two major games coming for free on the service.

One of the key benefits of being a PS Plus subscriber is the ability to download and play a selection of free PS4 and PS5 games every month.

For example, the current wave of free PlayStation Plus games includes Hitman 2, Predator Hunting Grounds, and Overcooked All you can Eat.

The next wave of PS Plus freebies will be announced on September 29 and will be available for download on October 5.

Unfortunately, however, there are two games that will almost certainly not appear in next month’s lineup.

Prior to last night’s PlayStation Showcase event, there were rumors that Alan Wake Remastered would be joining PS Plus in October.

This was mainly due to the fact that Alan Wake Remastered has an October 5 release date, the same day new PlayStation Plus titles are released.

But with Alan Wake Remastered coming as a pre-order on PlayStation Store, there’s no chance it’ll be available on PS Plus next month.

On the plus side, Alan Wake Remastered has a price tag of £24.99, so it won’t break the bank.

Another game that always appears on the PS Plus prediction list is Uncharted Lost Legacy.

The Uncharted 4 spin-off is the only game in the series to be released on PlayStation Plus. This has led to monthly speculation that it will be given away sooner rather than later.

Unfortunately, an Uncharted Lost Legacy PS Plus release seems increasingly unlikely, especially after Sony’s latest announcement.

During the aforementioned PlayStation Showcase, Sony unveiled the Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection.

Coming to PS5 and PC in early 2022, the Legacy of Thieves Collection features remastered versions of Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy.

With Sony hoping to monetize the Uncharted series again, it’s unlikely that Lost Legacy will make an appearance on PlayStation Plus.

This brand new remastered bundle includes Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, featuring Nathan Drake as he hunts for Captain Avery’s long-lost treasure on his last distant adventure through the jungles of Madagascar to the long-lost pirate colony of Libertalia.

It also includes Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, which chronicles Chloe Frazer’s escape explosions as she goes from frenemy to hero. Chloe enlists the help of famed mercenary Nadine Ross and ventures to the Western Ghats of India to collect the Golden Tusk of to locate Ganesh.”

According to Sony, the PC version will be developed by Iron Galaxy and launched shortly after the PS5 release.

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