‘Big Brother 23’ spoilers: A futile campaign begins as everyone realizes it’s a double eviction this week

After the chaos of Alyssa winning the Veto on “Big Brother 23″ to foil Tiffany‘s plan, things have settled into the typical groove of waiting around as we count down to Thursday. Claire isn’t going down without a fight, but we all know this is a lost cause.

Claire knows she’s likely leaving, but she spent part of Tuesday campaigning to some people, including Azah and Kyland, and made some compelling pitches, mostly centered on how Xavier is tough to beat in a final two. Her go-to line for both of them was “X doesn’t need you.” “What I learned this week is that Tiff will always take you,” Claire told Kyland. “I don’t think Tiff takes me based off of her actions this week. I know I don’t beat Tiff. I didn’t come and play this game to lose. I take you and I do think this is close.” She also told him that if she leaves this week, then X must be playing a helluva game and she won’t be able to deny him the win if he makes it to the end. “If someone the person who everyone is saying is going to win lasts over me… I think that means he is playing a hell of a game and I’d have to vote for him at the end,” she said.

This is the kind of statement that would shake most houseguests, but the Cookout ain’t gonna turn on each other now even though it’s best for all of their individual games to boot X instead. Tiffany all but told Claire about the Cookout, so people stonewalling her pitches ought to confirm what she has to be suspecting.

SEE ‘Big Brother 23’ spoilers: Tiffany all but comes clean to Claire about the Cookout while Alyssa thinks she’s a ‘f—ing genius’

Part of Claire’s pitch included targeting Derek F., whom she thinks everyone will want to drag to the end as a goat. They’ve figured out it’s a double eviction this week because the yard closed early, and Claire said that she would put up Big D and Alyssa with Azah being the renom if one wins Veto. Hannah is worried about Alyssa winning in the double and getting targeted since Tiff can’t play and if certain people (ahem, X and Ky) want to throw it, but Azah reassured her that Alyssa would target Ky and Tiff, and if either wins Veto, then one of Hannah or Azah would go up. Hannah then confirmed with Ky that he’s not going to win HOH unless he has to and said that she wants to win this HOH. He suggested that she use the tried-and-true “trying to break up a strong duo” reason when she nominates Alyssa and X. If Alyssa comes off, Hannah told Tiff that she’ll renom Big D and then the Cookout girls and Ky can decide who to evict. Hannah also suspects (actually, considering how perceptive she is, she knows) that the Cookout men have a deal, but Azah said she doesn’t think so. Yet another terrible read.

Meanwhile, Alyssa is still on her high of thinking she tricked Tiff into putting up Claire and will be blindsiding her. She thinks Ky will be giving Claire a sympathy vote and “strategized” with Big D about telling Hannah at the last minute that Claire doesn’t have the votes so she’ll vote with the house. “If this follows through and Claire leaves, Claire may respect the game move from all of us, and be like ‘OK, they are playing the game,'” she told Big D, who had to act like he had no idea what’s happening for the second day in a row. She really thinks she’s doing something here.

PREDICT who will win ‘Big Brother 23’

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