Rosh Hashanah kicks off in the bluegrass

Reflection and growth are all that the holiday is about. Symbolic foods are eaten like a rams head or fish head to ensure you will be ahead in the new year.
Published: Sep. 5, 2021 at 4:54 PM EDT
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LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) - Rosh Hashanah marks the start of the new year for the Jewish community, and from the pandemic to the rise of anti-Semitism across the bluegrass it’s a symbol of hope for the future.

The shofar, a rams horn symbol of the ultimate devotion to god. The cry’s from the horn are similar to a child’s to remind the Jewish people to turn to god from the mistakes made in the year and to do good in the future.

“Rosh Hashanah is the head of the Jewish year and we look back at our past year. Where we succeeded, where we failed, and we look forward to the coming year and try to do better in the coming year to celebrate family and to look forward and plan ahead,” said Rabbi Shlomo Litvin with Chabad of the Bluegrass.

Reflection and growth are all that the holiday is about. Symbolic foods are eaten like a rams head or fish head to ensure you will be ahead in the new year.

“A ton of foods associated with sweetness. The famous of which is apples and honey. Dipping a sweet apple in honey with a blessing for a sweet new year,” said Rabbi Shlomo Litvin.

Much of the Jewish community is togetherness and unity. The pandemic has made it difficult, but this year the Chabad of the Bluegrass will have socially distant open-aired services in the coming days.

“We are having a service every hour on the hour all afternoon with people coming in waves and had the shofar herd,” said Rabbi Litvin.

Even as incidents of antisemitism have risen, the Jewish Community in Kentucky has continued to come together to support one another.

“There has definitely been in the past year...spots... but one of the things that has kept us strong are those that have come together,” said Litvin.

Rosh Hashanah starts Monday at Sunset and ends on Wednesday at sunset.

“Get the word out, Rosh Hashanah is coming it starts Monday night all day Tuesday and Wednesday we will have progress at Chabad and everyone is welcome to have you with us,” said Rabbi Litvin.

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