How To Find a New Job That Fits Your Life

Young successful forewoman interviewing a job candidate at her office.
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Your job should ideally supplement your life — not take it over. If you’re currently stuck in a job that you find unfulfilling or doesn’t allow you the work-life balance you desire, it might be time to start looking for a role that’s a better fit for you. But knowing how to land the ideal job for you can be tricky.

Here are a few ways to find a new job that fits your life.

Meet With a Career Counselor

If you’re not sure what the ideal job is for you, start by meeting with a career counselor who can help you identify jobs your skills would be a fit for, as well as the types of roles that would enable you to live the life you want.

Get Organized

Come up with a checklist of all the things you need to do to prepare for your job search, and set target dates for achieving each one. This will ensure you’re ready to go when it’s time to apply.

Research the Industry You Want To Be In

If your goal is to work in a different industry, start by doing your research.

“Get a feel for the way the industry and respective companies function in the world, the services they provide to others and the types of jobs in that industry that could pose as a potential new career,” said Matthew Warzel, president of MJW Careers. “I love using Google News, Google alerts,, Glassdoor, Indeed and LinkedIn to uncover industry and job research.”

Reach Out to People in Your Network

“The best possible thing a job seeker can do now to pave their way to a new job […] is to network,” said Krystal Yates, HR expert and founder of EBR Consulting LLC. “While many people get nervous when they hear that, it doesn’t have to be difficult. Renew your connections and start having conversations about where these people are working and what they are doing. Ask them what you can do for them and do it. When the time comes, you will have a much better idea of who in your network can help and how.”

Contact Recruiting Agencies

Recruiters can be an invaluable resource for your upcoming job search.

“Expand your early search strategy by tapping into the wisdom of the crowds and specialists,” said Roger Maftean, a career expert at ResumeLab. “Let them review your resume, give you the latest and greatest from the battle lines, and see what the hiring outlook is for the next three to six months.”

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