
Are Banks Open on Halloween?

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Halloween is spooky enough with all the monsters roaming the streets — it’d be really scary if you couldn’t do your banking that day. Shoppers are expected to spend over $10 billion on Halloween-related products this year, according to an estimate from the National Retail Federation, so it’s possible you might need to take care of some banking on the holiday. If you’re wondering whether banks will be closed on Halloween, keep reading to learn about your banking options so you can plan ahead.

Are Banks Closed on Halloween 2022?

Although Halloween, which falls on Oct. 31, is widely celebrated and acknowledged, it is not a federal holiday. This means that in years like this one when it falls on a normal business day, banks are generally open on Halloween.

Tips for Banking on Halloween

If you have a smartphone and a debit or ATM card, you may be able to do most of your banking even if your local branch is closed. You can:

Alternatively, you can use your bank’s online banking platform if your local branch isn’t open.

Upcoming Bank Holidays in 2022

It’s a good idea to plan ahead for the last few bank holidays of 2022. Banks will generally be closed on these upcoming holidays:

Sean Dennison contributed to the reporting for this article.