Everything you need to know about ADHD inattentive

Kurt Goodwin

Living hope psychiatry

People with ADHD, known as inattentive ADHD, struggle to pay attention to minor details, are easily distracted, often struggle to organize or complete work, and frequently neglect everyday responsibilities like paying bills on time or returning phone calls. Even though there is no known cure for the illness, it is possible to treat the symptoms effectively using behavioral treatments and medicines.

Signs & symptoms of ADHD inattentive

ADHD is a neuropsychiatric illness that makes it difficult to pay attention, regulate impulsivity, take action before completely thinking things through, or manage excitable behavior such as wriggling, fidgeting, or hyperactivity. It also makes it difficult to focus on a single task for an extended period without being distracted. As a result, the condition makes day-to-day activities more difficult, lowering the quality of life.

According to the criteria established by the American Psychiatric Association, there are three distinct forms of ADHD. These include:

  • Predominantly inattentive presentation.
  • Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentation.
  • In combined presentation, a mix of inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms is present.

Causes of ADHD Inattentive

Although its origins remain mysterious, ADHD tends to run in families. ADHD seems to have both heritable and environmental components. Predominantly inattentive ADHD is often diagnosed in children and adolescents. In elementary and middle school, they probably received a lot of detentions for being easily sidetracked and for submitting half-done assignments.

However, the illness may have gone undetected until adolescence or adulthood since children with this type of ADHD are often not hyperactive. Women and girls with inattentive ADHD are particularly affected by this. For example, girls with the condition may be more reserved and discreet than their typically-developing peers. In some instances, an ADHD diagnosis in a female adult may not occur until she has a child with the disorder. However, they may now find parallels in their behavioral patterns and decide to get treatment.

Diagnosing ADHD Inattentive

No medical or genetic test can diagnose the primarily ADHD inattentive form. Instead, a thorough analysis of symptoms is required to arrive at a diagnosis of ADHD. Evaluation of the individual may be performed by a certified mental health expert, typically a medical doctor, a psychiatrist, a neurologist, or a clinical psychologist.

The assessment is broken down into the following three stages:

  • Confirm the presence of symptoms
  • Confirm that the symptoms are not due to another mental health or environmental condition (such as increased work demand or significantly heightened stress in a person’s life)
  • Determine the presence of co-existing mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder.

Technically speaking, to get a diagnosis of ADHD inattentive type, an adult must be 17 years or older and show all of the following symptoms:

Five or more of the signs of distraction are listed in the symptoms section; these signs may come and go.

  • At least six months of symptoms are required.
  • All symptoms must hurt the patient’s ability to function in social, domestic, or professional environments.
  • Before the age of 12, certain signs were already apparent.
  • You’re experiencing many symptoms in at least two significant areas of your life, such as your professional and personal relationships. The loss of a job owing to signs of inattention is one example; money issues due to disorganization or late payments are another.
  • The symptoms cannot be attributed to any other mental illness.

Is ADHD inattentive a disability?

The ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 recognize ADHD as a disability. Both the law and medical science recognize ADHD as a disability. The severity of one’s ADHD will determine the extent to which one is entitled to special treatment or assistance.

Medication for ADHD Inattentive

Most adults who suffer from the primarily inattentive type of ADHD are likely to succeed with the same prescription medications used to treat ADHD in children. On the other hand, early in the treatment process, the drug amount and frequency may need to be altered. Therefore, it is essential to accommodate the requirements of the individual with ADHD with the medication’s properties. Stimulants, non-stimulants, and antidepressants are all examples of typical classes of drugs to treat ADHD.

ADHD Treatments

Before turning to medication as a therapy for children with ADHD who are under six years old, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that parents first get instruction on how to manage their children’s behaviors effectively. The suggestions include medication and behavior treatment, parent training in behavior management for children up to 12, and additional behavior therapy and exercise for teenagers. These recommendations are made for children who are six years old or older. Additionally, schools may be included in the therapeutic plan. The AAP also recommends including behavioral classroom intervention and school assistance in the list of suggestions.

A good treatment plan will involve careful monitoring to determine whether or not the therapy is helping the child’s behavior, if it is, how much it is satisfying, and the ability to make adjustments as necessary along the way.

How VARDS can help

The following types of mental health conditions may be treated by VARDS’ virtual certified psychiatrists and therapists 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This includes both regular and emergency psychiatric treatment. All VARDS Psychiatrists, Tele-psychiatrist providers, mental health nurse practitioners, counselors, and therapists must be licensed and certified by the medical board in their respective states. Therefore, patients in the United States who need pre-scheduled and urgent treatment may count on them to get it without complaint.

The services offered by VARDS may be accessed via various mediums, including email, video conferencing, phone calls, and text messaging. The benefits are not only reasonably priced but may also be paid for by your health insurance provider, including Regence, Tri-care, UBH-Optum, Cigna, Aetna, and Premera.

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Allison Park, Hampton Township, PA

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