Is Prepping Your Secret?

Ellen P LaFleche-Christian

Should you talk about prepping with your friends and neighbors? Or should you keep it secret just in case?

There are many different ways to prep for emergencies. And, everyone has their own ideas of how things should be done. But, one of the most common debates preppers have is whether or not to keep what they do a secret.

There are two different ways of looking at prepping. Which one is correct is really up to you. There is no right answer to this question.

Keeping secrets

Some people feel that by keeping what they do secret, they are less likely to be robbed or taken advantage of by others.

They don't want their neighbors to know that they're stockpiling food because they don't want to feed the neighborhood in a time of emergency.

Some people feel that sharing what they've stored makes them a target for criminals in a true emergency. As much as you think you can trust your neighbor to keep your secret, under duress, would he?

Finally, some people think that since the information is out there and other people have chosen not to prep, they get what they deserve if they aren't prepared.

Sharing the knowledge

Other preppers believe that by sharing the fact that they are preppers with others, they can inspire more people to prep.

That means that in a time of emergency, more people will be prepared to take care of themselves. And, this means fewer desperate people in your neighborhood that you need to worry about.

It also means that instead of having one home in your neighborhood that's prepared, you may have a whole neighborhood. Or, you may have 4 or 5 houses that can work together.

Do you have a responsibility to help others?

In any emergency, there will be people who are not prepared. Either they choose not to prepare or they are not able to prepare.

They may feel that the government will always be there to help in a time of emergency. Or, they might feel that their current technology and belongings will be more than enough until help comes.

When the lights go out, they will be completely unprepared to deal with what they need to do to keep their family safe.

Some people feel that taking the initiative to take care of your family is your own responsibility. And, they feel that anyone that hasn't prepared for emergencies deserves what they get.

Others believe that they should help as many people as they can because there is strength in numbers. They stockpile extra food and supplies for others in need.

And, they give them the opportunity to learn new skills to help themselves. They believe that a larger group is better able to work together and defend itself.

Can you survive better alone?

If you are a lone wolf who is prepared to bug out on your own, you might be thinking that other people will slow you down, especially if they aren't prepared.

The thought of having someone unprepared rely on you for their every need in an emergency isn't something that everyone is interested in.

Many people would rather just rely on themselves and their own skills.

Others feel like it's more beneficial to have a group of people to share the load. Being self-sufficient is a lot of work. And, it might be easier to have other people to divide the workload with.

By having a group that works together, you can have more skills to rely on. One person might be an expert at preserving food. Another might have nursing skills or be a great marksman.

How do you talk to others about prepping?

So, if you believe that no man is an island, you might be wondering how to talk to your friends and neighbors about prepping.

Here are a few easy ways that you can start.

  • Give them a small gift to start the conversation. You could get them a first aid kit for their car or a box of dehydrated food. Or, you could send over a few jars of your home-canned produce. Us this as an opportunity to bring up the subject.
  • If you know them well enough, buy them a book. Or, if you don't. Leave your book on the coffee table when you invite them over for coffee one day.
  • Start a conversation about a current news topic. You can talk about the fires in California. And, discuss how you would have prepared your home to leave more easily.
  • Bring up the topic during your normal conversation. Mention how easy it is to tow your trailer with your pickup. Or, bring up how much food you can dehydrate with your new dehydrator and how that helps you stock up for emergencies.

Then what?

Not everyone will be interested in prepping despite your best intentions. Some people just don't want to believe that there may be an emergency that severe that they can't rely on their government to fix things for them.

If the person you're talking to is clearly not interested, the only thing you can do is to move on. But, if you have a friend that appears receptive to the idea, it can't hurt to help them start preparing to take care of themselves and their families.

You never know, they may be willing to help you one day when you need it.

What do you think, should we talk about prepping? Or keep it a secret?

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Country living content creator with a passion for preparedness and natural living. I share simple steps anyone can take to become more self sufficient and more aware of your surroundings. Check out my easy recipes, essential oil crafts, and healthy living tips.

Castleton, VT

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