Author and County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi Visits Mountainside Active Retirees

(above) Joanne Rajoppi, Union County Clerk and author was the guest speaker at the May 9th meeting of the Mountainside Active Retirees club.

Mountainside Active Retirees

Submitted by Kenny I.

The Mountainside Active Retirees hosted, Joanne Rajoppi, Union County Clerk and author at their May 9th meeting. Ms. Rajoppi topic was about her most recently published book (her third) “Northern Women in the Aftermath of the Civil War, The Wives and Daughters of the Brunswick Boys”.

Ms. Rajoppi held the group spellbound with excerpts from that book. She talked of the hard lives new widows tried coping with as best as possible after the loss of their husbands, and/or sons, and brothers in the American War.  Most of those present at the meeting were aware of the horrors men and boys faced during that war but little or nothing of the depression, heartaches, and financial hardships the women carried, mostly alone. A Q. & A. period followed with Ms. Rojoppi answering every question in great detail. 

This was the last meeting on the M.A.R. schedule until this coming September 11th.  Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from September thru May in the Community Room at Borough Hall, Mountainside, starting at 10am. All Mountainside residents, 55+, are welcome.

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