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    Hillary Clinton Offers Kamala Harris Debate Advice, Claims She ‘Won All Three’ Against Trump: ‘He Can Be Rattled’

    By Zachary Leeman,

    27 days ago

    (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call via AP Images)

    Hillary Clinton offered Vice President Kamala Harris offered debate advice ahead of her Sept. 10 debate with former President Donald Trump .

    Clinton spoke to The New York Times’ Reid J. Epstein in an interview published Thursday where she claimed she won all three of her debates against Trump before losing the 2016 presidential election to him — though she did win the popular vote.

    “The consensus was that I won all three debates and that I was well prepared,” Clinton said.

    Trump, she added, will likely take a “scorched Earth” approach to the debate.

    “He doesn’t answer the questions. He doesn’t come with any specifics. It appears from the reporting that he is going with a scorched-earth approach and will just try to tear her down, which is his usual go-to strategy,” Clinton said.

    The former secretary of state recommended Harris be careful of getting “baited” in the debate by the former president.

    “I talked with her about a number of things. She just should not be baited. She should bait him. He can be rattled. He doesn’t know how to respond to substantive, direct attacks,” she said.

    She explained Philippe Reines is likely giving Harris the same debate prep she got, which included Reines dressing up and acting like Trump in mock debates.

    “he did such a good job, conveying the sort of whole package of Trump for me, that I am absolutely sure he is doing the same thing for the vice president,” she said.

    According to Clinton, Trump “can be rattled” and she believes one example of this was when she called him a “Russian puppet ” during a debate.

    “When I said he was a Russian puppet and he just sputtered onstage, I think that’s an example of how you get out a fact about him that really unnerves him,” she said.

    The post Hillary Clinton Offers Kamala Harris Debate Advice, Claims She ‘Won All Three’ Against Trump: ‘He Can Be Rattled’
    first appeared on Mediaite .
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